

Part 22
The Seventh Seal
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When He opened the Seventh Seal, there was silence in Heaven for about half an hour.
Rev. 8:1 NIV
Remember that in chapter 7, the angel having the Seal of the Living God announced to the four angels standing on the four corners of the Earth; who were to hurt the Earth, the sea, and trees, saying:
"Hurt not the Earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
‘The four angels’ were to delay carrying out God’s divine Judgment upon the Earth, the sea and trees, and this becomes an interval for the sealing of the servants of God, so that their Salvation can be guaranteed.
But in the time of the opening of the Seventh Seal, “the Trumpet plagues” which were delayed begins.

The opening of the Seventh Seal will be the last of the Seals.  The Seventh Seal will usher in a new set of prophetic events known as “the Trumpets.” “The Trumpets” are a chain of events; one part linked to another (where one ends another begins), and, though they may differ in nature and in time, they all make up a well-connected, uniform design in the hand of God.
But before the trumpet events begin, there will be a profound silence in Heaven for the space of “half an hour” (prophetic time). In this ‘time’ of silence in Heaven will surely be peace and great expectation. And when there is absolute silence in Heaven, the Church on Earth should sense ‘the hour.’
For God’s Word said:
“Be still, and know that I am God…” (Ps 46:10 KJV).

This is the time to wait for the Seventh Seal to be opened!
The Seventh Seal is awaiting for its moment.
After the opening of the Seventh Seal, the Rapture of the saints will take place within the space of "half an hour" [prophetic time]. We have very little time left before the Rapture!
All the Seven Seals opens before the Great Tribulation begins.

When the Seventh Seal opens, the antichrist will be revealed, and then the Rapture takes place.

The earthquake and cosmic terror of the Sixth Seal are warnings before the Great Tribulation which will take place after the opening of the Seventh Seal.