
A Dream of the Rapture by Deborah

"A Dream of the Rapture"
(27 Feb 2010)
In the summer of 2003 I had two sequential dreams: One dream was about Gold hitting $800/oz. The next night I dreamed about actually ascending in the Rapture. When I had these dreams gold was selling for around $100/oz; $800/oz sounded outlandish.
My interpretation of these dreams was that when gold started sky rocketing, look for the Rapture.
Gold is selling today at $1,115/oz. We have shot way past the $800 mark and there is talk of gold hitting $5000/oz before this financial catastrophe is over with.

I have a lot of things stressing me out in my personal life, and I have to say the furthest thing from my mind when I went to bed last night was our long awaited Rapture. But last night I had my second dream of the Rapture. The dream started off that I and some other people were on a super fast power boat, going about 100+mph, and no one was at the helm!....we were passing other boats and careening down a water way with lots of other water activities going on. Apparently there was a new steering and navigational device being used, which didn't require any human intervention. Everyone else seemed to be content to go about their business with this "device" steering this boat at high speed...everyone else was content but me. I was arguing that it would be wiser to at least have someone monitoring the activity, just in case something goes haywire? No one agreed with me.
Next I am dreaming about life just before the Rapture and during the Rapture. Life before the Rapture, I was told we will be pulled and bent in different directions but we won't break because we have the Holy Spirit within us. Then the Lord was explaining to me that the Rapture will happen all at once in a flash. People will not be raptured one at time or sequentially like popcorn starting to pop. It will happen instantly everywhere around the world, all at once, utilizing a tremendous powerful force, like an electrical force. Then I had the sensation of rising above the Earth. When I awoke suddenly, I kept praying that the Lord keep me close to him. Keep me close.
This morning I've been pondering the meaning of all this. I think the high speed boat might be things accelerating out of control toward evil and chaos in our world, with most of the world nonchalant about it. The next part is that things are going to get rough before the Rapture. We will be stretched and bent, but we won't break. Then the last part, it was as though the Lord was boasting of the magnificence and splendor of what He was about to do. The Rapture will be an awesome demonstration of His limitless Power.
I think this dream was a warning that the time is near for our heavenly departure.......hang on through the tough times, shed the influences of the world, and stay close to Him.

“Look up for your redemption draweth nigh.”