
Vision 28: Cave and Temple

                                        Vision 28: Cave and Temple

Large, beautiful cave is seen. Inside is an 'Ark of the Covenant' complete with cherubim, and inside it are two stone tablets inscribed with an unknown writing and a container with something resembling smallish white seeds (possibly manna) and a budding almond rod. The Ark has a removable lid of gold and all the rest of it is gold plated, inside and out. Also in the cave is a very large golden lampstand, higher than two meters, with seven arms. Also a golden incense altar. Also a very large purple linen curtain about 15 cm thick. Also, a golden table holding a golden container in which were a number of bread loaves (5 or 7). These bread loaves are supernaturally replaced with fresh ones daily. There are also two massive solid gold pillars, each 2 meters in diameter, 15 meters high. Also a large number of stone building blocks, already chiseled into shape.
God Himself protected this cave with its contents throughout the centuries, and also throughout the catastrophes of the trumpet judgments.
Interlude: A man is seen standing up within the Dome of the Rock and declaring himself to be god. At the protest of various religious groups he declares that Buddha, Krishna, Allah, etc. are his princes and that by worshipping them they also worshiped him (this man). The Jews however, have always been true to him and he is their god.

(Interpretation note: This is the Antichrist.)

After the Antichrist has been destroyed by Jesus Christ at Armageddon a temple is built in its proper place. (The Dome of the Rock has also been destroyed in the meantime.) A double foundation is laid over the ruins of the Dome of the Rock. A temple is built with the stones that were in the cave. The Ark of the Covenant is put in the Most Holy Place, being separated from the front part by the purple veil. Directly in front of the veil is put the incense altar. On the inside on the left of the entrance is put the golden lampstand and on the right-hand side the table with the showbread. The two golden pillars are erected on each side of the entrance door and directly outside of the sanctuary. In front of the temple a large copper basin (copper sea) filled with water is erected and some way in front of this, a bronze altar (quite large with horns at the corners).
Jesus is heard saying:
"Those who have seen the destruction of the earth, with them I will build the house of My Father."
"They have shed the blood of the prophets, and now they will plead with the prophets to intercede for them with the Father."
"Those who have part in the first resurrection I will cause to be like purple in the house of My Father."
"To be part of the Kingdom of the Lord, you have to deny your old life (soul) and be holy before My Father."

Interpretation notes:
• The temple as a whole represents the Kingdom of God which is to be established on this earth at His coming.
• The Ark of the Covenant = Jesus Christ, the King of kings.
• The veil = those who partake in the first resurrection.
• The building stones = the raptured ones.
• The golden incense altar = the martyrs.
• The golden lampstand = one part of the 'called away' saints (the messengers).
• The two golden pillars = the other part of the' called away' saints (the warriors).
• The table of showbread = restored Israel as the fleshly representatives of God's Kingdom on earth.
• The copper sea = living in purity before God.
• The bronze altar = the sacrifice of the self-life in favour of Jesus.

• Note then, to be part of the Kingdom of God the self-life (soul) has to be sacrificed and such a one must henceforth live holy unto the Lord.