
Rapture very, very near

Rapture very, very near..."one grain of sand" left in the timer!!!
Feb 11, 2010 - 4:18PM
Someone shared this experience that happened Monday night to her niece. I thought you would be encouraged by it. What she heard is that Jesus' coming is very near which corresponds with what you felt about your dream. Here it is:
I have a very special niece that is a good Christian girl. Last night she had an "encounter" with the Lord. She is just so excited today she can't hardly contain herself! She said this has never ever happened to her:
She said she was sitting on her couch when she felt a gripping in her heart. She had no idea what it was. Then she started just weeping uncontrollably. She said for 3 solid hours God talked with her.
He told her that the time is very, very near, so she should tell everyone she knows. He said that there was only "one Grain of Sand" left in the timer and that it is ready to fall soon. He told her to make peace with all enemies, let all bitterness go, and to love everyone. He said that His people do not realize how close He is to returning. He said that absolutely nothing in this world matters at all, only Him!!
While they were talking, she asked if He would heal her hip. She has been putting off hip replacement. She said He said, "It is done." She has no pain at all—is completely healed.

She said after 3 hours that she was just in awe and total shock and every other feeling you can imagine!