
My Rapture Dream By Julie

My Rapture Dream
By Julie
27th October 2009
I wanted to write to share my Rapture dream. Ironically, the next night, my husband had a similar dream, and I had never told him about my original dream. On Friday, October 23rd 2009 my dream went like this:
I was in my house with my husband's grandparents and my son, Nathaniel. All of a sudden, the clouds rolled in and thunder clapped.
"A storm is coming," our grandmother said, and we all stepped out on the porch to look. Suddenly, there were tornadoes, and they whipped around. We didn't have a basement (in the dream anyway, in reality there is one), and we started to panic. People were running all over, screaming and crying. Out of nowhere, a trumpet sounded. We all looked to the sky and the clouds formed into a figure. The figured was verbalizing names of the saved, and my name was on the list. I was ushered into an elevator (which seemed to come from nowhere). I said, "But I can't leave without my husband!" I had Nathaniel in my arms, as he is only 6 months old. My husband was 'left behind' as the saying goes. I woke up very disturbed. I was afraid to tell my husband about the dream for fear that he would take offense to it. So I shrugged it off.

Last night, October 24th, 2009, my husband woke me to tell me about a dream he had. It was about the Rapture. In his dream, we went to visit my brother. It started to rain horribly, and our son was with us. We left, and in the car ride on the way home, we heard a loud, thundering voice saying that he was ready to call on his people and sound the trumpet. On the way home, we picked up two kids, a boy and a girl. My husband was trying to explain to them about the Salvation and the Coming of Christ, when for whatever reason the car we were in crashed. The crash killed the two people. The storms had everyone in a panic, and we went into a store and were trying to talk to people, but it was like we weren't even there. Somehow, we made it back to our house and we all read the Bible together. Looking out the window, my husband saw three tornadoes, resembling fingers inflicting destruction upon their paths. Flying around were malicious figures. These demon figures began to fly everywhere, outside our windows. The best way he could describe them was people-like, except they were snow white, ghostly looking with wide mouths, like a black ring around their mouths. They had rows of teeth like razors. We needed screws to fasten the windows shut, so my husband ran out to the garage (we have a detached garage) and one came crawling into the garage and grabbed him. He saw the figure before it got to him, and he reached for his Bible. He screamed for us to help him, but he said that we ignored him like we couldn't hear him and that is when he woke up.
Needless to say, it seems obvious God's Message to us. Ironically, both of our dreams occurred in the early hours, about 4am. This seems to be the common time, after reading other people's dreams.
"Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:17, 20).