
Vision 33: The Rebels

Vision 33: The Rebels
The Rebels
The following scene is shortly after the calling away has occurred. Some of the Christian remaining behind (26 000) say: "The Overcomers are gone, let us now build a fortress and prove Revelation prophecies to be wrong." (They actually thought it was a good thing to do.) Being quite rich they build the first fortress on an island, walls 6m wide, 66m high, with 6mm steel re-enforcement every meter. They build 13 of these fortresses in 13 different countries, one per country. The Lord considers their action totally wrong and sends down a number of the Messenger Overcomers. These go in the guise of old people and are therefore easily accepted into the fortresses. These then warn the rebels that their actions are wrong and that they run the risk of becoming traitors unto Jesus.

The rebels do not listen, still believing that they are doing the right thing. Three times the Lord sends down Messengers to go and warn them, but they do not listen. The Lord then assembles the Heavenly army, including the Warrior Overcomers, saying: "Three times have I warned these rebels concerning their actions and attitude, but they would not listen. Go and destroy them."