
Vision 36: More about the Two Witnesses

                            Vision 36: More about the Two Witnesses

The scene: The two witnesses are called to God's Throne and informed that their time to go to Earth has arrived. Each of them are given 7 fruits from the Tree of Life (to give them life), and a budding staff from the Tree of Life (with which to impart Life). Each is also presented with a book roll which they are instructed to study, and having done so they can speak and understand every language on Earth.

They then go down to Earth where they witness for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom and against the Antichrist. They also help Christians in different ways - releasing them from prison, healing them, etc. By their witness they encourage the Christians and aggravate the world. This carries on for 3½ years and only then is Antichrist allowed to capture them. He delivers them to the Jews who stone them to death. The world is so overjoyed by their death that an international feast day is declared to be commemorated every year, and people send one another presents. For 3½ days their bodies lie in the streets of Jerusalem and world television is focused on them. Then suddenly a Voice from Heaven calls: "Come up here!" Whereupon they both come back to life and ascend up to Heaven. And so also do all the remaining Christians on Earth.