
Vision 38: The Ox and the Lamb

This vision concerns South Africa:
A green pasture is shown with a white lamb (male) in it. Then an ox (dark brown) suddenly appears and kicks the lamb which then ends up on its back. The lamb exclaims, "You can kick me but you can never destroy me." The ox laughs at this.
In the next scene the ox destroys the pasture. What it does not eat itself it tramples, leaving very little for the lamb. It claims everything for itself and hates the lamb, being envious of it.
After a while something goes wrong with the ox – it becomes divided within itself. For example, its limbs do not co-ordinate with one another anymore.
The lamb then gets on its feet, proclaiming; "Now the time has come for me to take back what is mine on behalf of myself and my descendants. Now I will throw you down and you shall never rise again." The lamb then rams into the ox which ends up on its backside, never to get up again.

Testing all spirit:
It is absolutely right and necessary to test the spirit of any 'revelation'. It has to be in line with God's character and His written Word. Remember that they came through imperfect people to imperfect people, and is interpreted by imperfect people. They were told to us in Afrikaans and we had to translate and retell them as best we could, trusting the Lord to convey His message to those who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. We need Him to show us what He wants us to know.
We must rather see this series of visions as a whole. What is not clear in one is often clarified by another.
This is how we understand them: The Bride is known by her heart of love for the Bridegroom. Love means 'to put first'. He is foremost in her heart and mind and in any choice she will choose Him above anything else. But this is not true of all Christians, even some ministers and many who see themselves as mature (older sheep). The Bride is only a small company of believers who really only want to be with Jesus. And this is what Jesus is testing when He tells some to 'stay behind to minister'. Many love the idea of ministering more than Jesus Himself. He is giving them an opportunity to show what is in their heart.
Please refer to Vision 10 and the first part of Vision19 where this becomes clear. In Vision 1 only 'some' of those who are 'sent back' go back, some others must have pleaded to rather go with Him - and He took them along. (See 2 Kings 2:1-6 and John 6:66-67.)
Visions or similar revelations can never be lifted to the level of the Scripture, they are always of lesser authority. We are only making these available as encouragement to those who have heard similar messages from God. We also only see through a glass darkly, but God will make clear to each of us what we need to know.
(We have years ago already understood from the Lord that these Overcomers / Bride will come back in resurrected bodies to also minister on earth like Jesus did after His resurrection. They will be the 'angels' also translated 'messengers' of Rev. 14:6-11 'flying through the air' (heavenly beings) who will proclaim to all people on earth the message of the Kingdom of God, and that Babylon has fallen, and not to take the mark of the Beast. Having heavenly bodies, they cannot be hurt by the disasters of the Tribulation. We kept this in our hearts for many years and it has now been confirmed through these visions, by a young boy who knew nothing of our view.) Humbly trusting God to keep us from deception!
This is interesting:
Quite a number of years ago (8 years or more) a brother in the Lord phoned us and told us of a dream he had had. He was very much in awe and struck to the core by what he experienced God showed him. In the dream the Lord told him that 'by 2018 everything shall have been fulfilled'. (Refer to Jesus' parable of the fig tree - Mat. 24:32-35.) It was so vivid and clear, he was really shaken by the experience! We kept it in our hearts, waiting for some confirmation.
Now should 2018 indeed be the end of this dispensation and the beginning of the Millennium, it would be 70 years (a full generation - Ps 90) since 1948 when Israel was again established as a nation.
That means the 'calling away' is imminent! Be ready, watch and pray!
Hope to meet you before the Throne soon! Maranatha!
Love and blessings Anthea Barnardo

(Author's note, May 2010: Subsequent to the initial writing of this document (Sept. 2007) the Lord has revealed that the 'Calling Away' actually consists of two distinct phases. The first phase is that in which the Call goes forth that the Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins fully explains the impact of this Call.

The second phase or culmination of the 'calling away', occurring probably about 3 years later, is depicted in the parable of the wise and foolish virgins as the point where "those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding, and the door was shut". This can also be described as 'the snatching away of the Bride', Jesus coming unexpectedly, one was taken and one was left. These saints are then quickened, or translated from earthly to heavenly bodies.)