
Behold the Lamb!

Behold the Lamb!
Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world
(John 1:29).

Why did Jesus Christ die on the Cross?
What caused the Son of Man to do the unthinkable, to give His life as a substitute for each of us?
The story of Christ’s crucifixion had perhaps become so familiar to both believers and non-believers that it has often lost its ability to outrage, grieve, or even stir any great emotion. Somehow, through the centuries, mankind has attempted to sanitize history’s pivotal moment.
Too often Christians have taken away the horrible public shame and the smashing blows of the whip. We’ve attempted to avoid the savage thrust of the spear into Jesus’ side.
In so doing, the story of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection tends to ignore God’s supernatural love as it was poured out among mankind.
There are so many questions, yet I believe it is time for men, women, and children everywhere to relive history’s most horrific injustice, as well as the unvarnished triumph of God’s plan to the sovereignty of God, expressed two centuries ago through the Holy Spirit-inspired words of John’s Gospel: Behold the Lamb of God…”
Why would Jesus do what He did?
What caused Him to leave Heaven’s splendor to be born a baby in Bethlehem?
What could have possibly motivated Him to endure a life of temptation and peril as He sought to call, disciple, and prepare a handful of followers who would eventually be sent out to shake the world’s traditions to the core and bring hope and healing to the masses?

Why would He willingly go through the shame and vile, inhuman treatment at the hands of people who didn’t (or couldn’t) grasp the historic event in which they were participating?

What is the true story behind His gruesome death?
What happened afterward that has eternal consequences for you and me?

As you look for answers, gaze toward the Christ of Calvary, for that is the central point of all truth, wisdom, and knowledge. What happened on the cross changed the course of history, kings, and great military leaders.

Everything before and after Calvary points to what the Savior actually did on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, and so much more, we have the Answer to the most pressing, troubling, life-changing questions we will ever have.