
Rapture in the Air by TERESA

Rapture in the Air (RITA)
Dec. 10th 2009
I want to share in more detail a few of the SUPERNATURAL experiences I have had recently. These are excerpts from my Journal that I have kept up since the 90's. However, a couple of years ago, things began happening so fast that I was unable to keep up! The Lord had already told me that HE was gonna move so fast that I would not be able to keep up with HIM that HE has & continues to do!!!

Tues. 27th Oct 2009
I heard 3 "forceful" knocks that woke me up out of a sound sleep around 3 a.m. They were very authoritative, as if to make a statement. I told Mom about this & asked her to agree with me that The Father would give me the meaning of it. I was led to post this on RITA (Rapture in the Air) Christian forum & received an email immediately that a Sister in CHRIST & her cousin in another state experienced the EXACT same thing! In addition, I found out another fellow had the same experience. I've never heard it before, and to be quite honest, it startled me when I heard it! It seemed to be coming from inside my bedroom or very nearby. It was NOT of our natural realm! I sensed that this might have been some type of WARNING!
Oh my! I just started to review what I posted and this is what I saw & heard... a judge with a gavel in his hand coming down on a hard surface 3 times! WOW! I believe it could mean FINALITY & what way, I'm not sure. I have been seeing 11:11.
I believe 11 means: The end; finished!
Could there be some kind of a tie in here?