
Prophetic Bulletin by Rick Joyner

Prophetic Bulletin
June 30, 2015 
The Supreme Court vs. The Supreme Being
 By Rick Joyner
When the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) declared same-sex marriage to be a constitutional right, it was a slap in the face to the Laws of God and man. It was a direct frontal assault on both religious freedom and the Constitution of the United States, undercutting the very foundations on which they stand. This is a brief on the consequences of this momentous decision using “The Three Questions” from the U.S. Army Manual for addressing a crisis.
     1) What is happening?
     2) What is not happening?
     3) What can we do about it?
As we address these, we will begin with natural first and then the spiritual.
Frank Turek shows how people will be hurt by legalizing same-sex marriage. He provides insight into this issue, and exposes the motives of those working to redefine marriage.

Same-sex marriage, who could it possibly hurt?
Frank Turek provides answers and equips Christians to intelligently and lovingly enter the debate.
Having overcome some of the ultimate strongholds of our times, Rick Reddick gives hope to those who struggle and shares practical steps to freedom.
Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone.

In this new product special, award-winning author Frank Turek shows that everyone will be hurt including children, the nation, and even homosexuals themselves from the homosexual movement and legalizing same-sex marriage. Turek exposes the real reason gay activists are trying to impose same-sex marriage on the country without a single vote from the people. In each chapter, he speaks out about:
We Want Equal Rights
Homosexuality Is Like Race

Government-backed same-sex marriage would encourage homosexual behavior, and it would harm natural marriage, children, adults, and homosexuals themselves.
Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society.

Turek's message is direct but respectful - correct, not politically correct. It is a message that we must not ignore.
Also enjoy Life in the Light by Rick Reddick. Walking transparently before God and men releases great freedom. Having overcome some of the ultimate strongholds facing our times, Rick Reddick shares practical steps based on personal experience, compelling readers to receive life-changing truth found in the Light of Jesus' presence.

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