
Time for Your Miracle

Time for Your Miracle
Do you need a miracle in your life?
Do you want something better for yourself and your family?
Do you hunger for God’s divine spiritual qualities and gifts?
Your financial needs sometimes seem like an engulfing tidal wave.
Acknowledge the Lord Jesus as your Source of everything.
When you ask God for a miracle, ask for His direction and instruction.
Then plant your sacrificial seed for a specific result.
You cannot buy God’s Favor, of course. What you do with your seed is tap into God’s supernatural Power through your obedience and faith as you listen to His Voice.

What kind of future do you want?
What seed are you willing to sow?
What assignment are you placing on that seed?
What kind of harvest are you expecting?
Luke 6:38 tells us:
“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
Physical need requires physical seed.
Spiritual need requires spiritual seed.
Financial need requires financial seed.

Whatever it is, assign your seed. Then believe for a major impact in your life!
You cannot worship God without giving.
It is impossible!
Give unto the Lord the Glory due unto His Name: bring an offering, and come into His courts.
O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness: fear before Him, all the Earth.
Ps 96:8-9 KJV

 Sow your best seed today!

Are you ready to receive God’s outpouring? Give to winning souls and building His Kingdom, and then prepare yourself for His supernatural abundance.

Giving is the key to breaking the back of poverty!

Do it now! It is a decision that can change your life forever!