
Coming Super-Blood Moon!

On the 28th of this September, the moon will be the closest to the Earth for the year, creating a Super Blood Moon!
This will be seen in Jerusalem, on the Feast of Tabernacles in a Shemitah Year!

A “supermoon” is the moon's closest approach to the Earth which makes it appear larger than normal.
Perigee is the closest point at which the moon is to the Earth.

If it’s a new moon at “perigee" to Earth, you don't even see it, but if it’s a full moon at “perigee," according to NASA, it looks about 14 percent larger—which is a “supermoon,” because it’s so close.

America is leading the push to divide the Land of Israel.
But, God demonstrates through His "heavenly-billboard signs" that Israel should not divide their Land, and that America should not partake with the nations that wants to do so!