
Where the Spirit of the Lord is

Where the Spirit of the Lord is
Where the true worshippers worship GOD, there the Spirit of the LORD is and where The Spirit of the LORD is there is Liberty.
Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty (2 Cor. 3:17 KJV).
Adonai is the SPIRIT and where the Spirit of Adonai is present, there is Liberty. Where the Holy Spirit is present there is Freedom. Where He is absent, there is bondage. Where He is present there is Light, but where He is not present, there is darkness! He brings freedom for ‘the captives’ and releases ‘the prisoners’ from darkness.
He longs to fellowship with us. When we welcome Him as an honored Guest in our fellowship, then we can behold His face, and be transformed from glory to glory.
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from Glory to Glory, even as by The Spirit of The Lord (Verse 18 KJV).

The more we see Him, the more our faces are unveiled, and the more we are changed into His Holy and glorious Image. With unveiled faces we reflect the Lord's Glory.
The religious spirit cannot have a hold on us if we continually behold the LORD of Glory and abide in Him. By The Spirit we are being transformed into the likeness of Jesus with ever-increasing Glory, which comes from The LORD, Who is the SPIRIT.
Verse 16 says,
Nevertheless when it shall turn to The Lord, the vail shall be taken away (KJV).
Whenever anyone turns to the Lord in repentance, the veil is taken away. From Him we have emancipation from bondage.

Worship GOD in spirit and Truth. Worship Him in your innermost being—fully dependent on His Spirit, in Truth [in Reality-as He is revealed in Scripture].
God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
John 4:24 KJV
Where the Spirit of the LORD is, Christ is celebrated.
There, there is Liberty by the SPIRIT.

The Holy Spirit longs to inhabit the soul of man, as He does under this “Gospel-Dispensation.”  He longs to set you free from the yoke of the ceremonial law, and from the servitude of corruption; and to grant you liberty of access to GOD. By Him we have the Liberty to worship GOD—we gain freedom of speech in prayer and the heart is set at Liberty, and enlarged, to run the ways of GOD's Commands.
The Spirit longs to give us Light so that with open face our spiritual eyes may be opened that we may behold the Glory of The Lord. The Israelites saw the Glory of GOD in a cloud, which was dark and dreadful; but Christians around the world today, are given the privilege to behold the Glory of The LORD as in a glass.
It was a peculiar privilege of Moses, for GOD to converse with Him face to face, in a friendly manner; even so we are given the Freedom to see Him more clearly with open face.

The Spirit of GOD reveals the Glory of GOD to His children.  His Light and Liberty transforms our soul so that we are changed into “the same image” [GOD’s Image] from Glory to Glory, from one degree of His glorious Grace unto another, till Grace here becomes consummated in Glory forever.