
Like Jonah

Like Jonah
“Like Jonah, the Church has run to “Tarshish,” desiring to trade with the world even more than sitting before Christ’s glorious throne.
The sword of God’s Judgment is hanging over the earth. Great storms are coming upon the earth. Jonah slept when the storm came upon the ship that he was in while running from the Lord. The Church is also sleeping.
Jonah, the prophet of God had to be waken up by the heathen. So it is with the Church. The heathen know when the Church is going the wrong way, and they are shaking the Church, trying to wake you up so that you will call upon your God.
Soon the leaders of the world will cast the Church overboard, just as the men in that ship had to do to Jonah. They will not let the Church to keep going in the way she is headed. This is the Grace of God to the Church. He will discipline the lukewarm church with ‘a great beast that comes up out of the sea.’ It will swallow her for a time, but she will be vomited out of it. Then she will preach His Message.
Some are already in the belly of ‘the beast.’ Some are about to be cast overboard, and some are still sleeping, but almost all have been on ‘the ship’ going the wrong way, seeking to trade with the world. However, you can judge yourself and He will not have to judge you.
If God’s people will wake up, repent and go the way that He sends them, they will not have to be swallowed by’ the beast.’
The beast is given to make war with the saints and to overcome them. This will happen to all who do not repent.
The Church is running from the Presence of the Lord. She is running to activity in place of seeking the Lord’s Presence. Some call such activity ‘ministry’ but it is actually running from the Presence of the Lord.
The Church must turn to the Lord instead of away from Him. He can untangle any mess, like He did with the weeds wrapped around Jonah’s head at the bottom of the sea—and He can bring His own up from the greatest depths.
Run from Him no longer!
Run to Him!

Remember the Mercy that the Lord had for Nineveh. He had Mercy because Jonah preached. Many will repent and be saved if we will go to those to whom the Lord sends us and give His warning.”