
Love with My Love

Words of Truth
“Love with My Love”
“When My people who now walk the earth embrace My true Judgment, they will walk in a freedom that will enable Me to touch the world with My Love.
I desire for all to judge themselves so that I will not have to judge them. That is why My judgments are about to come to the earth. They are coming in ever increasing waves, so that the world may believe and repent.
You know the ministry and authority that I have given to you; do not ask people to call you by your position, but by your name. Then I will make your name greater than your position.

In My Kingdom, Authority comes from who you are, not your title. Your ministry is your function, not your rank. Here rank is earned by humility, service and love. The deacon who loves more is higher than the apostle who loves less. On earth, prophets may be used to shake the nations, but here they will be known by their love. This is also your call—to love with My Love and serve with My heart. Then we will be one.”