
Power and Love

Power and Love
“Adam lived long on the earth because sin did not have a deep root in him. Even though he had sinned, he was created to walk with God, and his desire was still for Him. Adam did not know the depths of sin that the following generations knew. As sin grew, life was shortened, but in every generation, those who walk with God touch the life that is in God. Because Moses walked so closely with God, he would have lived on, on earth, had the Lord not taken him. Enoch walked with Him so closely that the Lord had to take him as well. That is why Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die…” (John 11:25-26KJV)
“What we were on earth will remain a part of who we are forever. Adam’s story is a part of the Eternal Gospel. Adam and Eve were the first to taste sin, and the first to see their offspring reap the consequences of disobedience. They have beheld the death spread, through each generation, but they have also beheld the Cross and seen the victory over sin. Jesus will soon display to the whole creation the Power of His New Creation. He did not come just to forgive sin, but to save mankind from sin, and He is returning for a people who are without stain from the world.”

“Adam’s disobedience made the way for Abel’s obedience, whose blood still speaks as a ‘harbinger of Salvation.’ Righteous Lot could not save a city, while an unrighteous Jonah could. Like the Four Gospels, there seem to be no end to the understanding that could be learned from them.”