

Words of Wisdom
“You must reap what you sow or I could not trust you with My Authority. When satan took his first step into self-seeking and pride, multitudes of My angels who I had entrusted to his authority followed him.”
“When Adam fell, multitudes will suffer. For those to whom I give such authority, there is a corresponding responsibility. There can be no true authority without responsibility. Responsibility does mean that others will suffer if you go astray. Mistakes have consequences.” “The more authority you are given, the more that you can either help or hurt others by your actions. Those who are called to rule with Me are given the greatest responsibility of all. They are called to a position higher than satan held. He was a great angel, but he was not a son. You are called to be a joint heir with Me”

“For every lesson that you must learn, there is an easy way or a more difficult way. You can humble yourself, fall on the Rock and be broken, or the Rock will fall on you and crush you into powder. Either way, the final result will be brokenness, which is humility. Pride caused the first fall from Grace, and it has caused most of the falls since. Pride always results in tragedy, darkness and suffering.”