


Names and Numbers are of great significances in GOD’s Kingdom as recorded in the Bible, and as well as evidenced in the human daily life.
Each number has its significance in this material world, as well as in the Scriptures; just like dreams, signs, and prophecy. The Bible reveals GOD to be a GOD of numbers. The Psalmist said of The Lord,
“He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names” Psalm 147:4
The modern telescopes show that there are millions of stars reaching out into space and so infinite that men do not have numerical figures sufficient to measure their distances. Yet the Word of God tells us that God the Creator of the universe knows the number of these stars and “God calls them each by name.”

Our Lord Jesus said that not a sparrow could fall to the ground without the Father’s notice and that the every hair of the heads of His people are all numbered (Matthew 10:29, 30).  Likewise, every letter of the Scripture is esteemed, inspired, and predestined by GOD.
I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Matt 5:18 NIV).
Every Word and every letter in the Scriptures was in God’s Mind before a line of it was ever written. The numbers within the Word were known to Him before they were penned.
The first King James Version Bible was finished in 1611. It remains the original Book of God’s Word with the precise context and words of the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek New Testament. It is the only Bible version that will work out in the true numerical design because it is authentically given by GOD to man by no private interpretation.

In the King James Version, many times the nouns are repeated when it seems that the use of a pronoun would have been better; but what may seem to man an unnecessary repetition is employed to bring out the numeral value of a specific passage.
The Hebrews were renowned Bible authors, so the first writing of the Old Testament in the Hebrew language was by the Inspiration of God.

Likewise, the Greeks were great writers, so the writing of the early New Testament in Greek was by the Authority of GOD.

There are many incidents in the Bible arithmetic of God showing evidence of the numerical design which runs through the Scriptures. A knowledge of the Bible system of numbers will enable one to better understand the Bible. Fundamental doctrine in the Word of God is connected with the numerology of the Bible.

O, the value of the Bible system of numbers!
They establish the Truth in such a way that there is no other way of answering it. Only that which is scriptural can be made to conform to God’s numerology in the Bible.

Anyone can see that the Bible system of numbers is baffling to atheists, agnostics, infidels and modernists. The same system exposes their false theories and private interpretations regarding the Bible.

God’s Bible system of numbers proves Prophecy.

The Divine Authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures is shown with numbers, along with quotations. The infinite Wisdom and Power of God shows in His numbering system which was designed before the dawn of Creation.  By this, God fit in the lives, deeds and experiences of Bible characters to show forth His work in the ages which are to come.

It’s no wonder Paul exclaimed, “O the depth of riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God!” (Romans 11:33).