
Jesus Revealed in the Tabernacle

Jesus Revealed in the Tabernacle

Pastor Benny Hinn
It's impossible to simply take a glance at God's Word and think we know anything.
God's Word is a treasure, but often we have to dig beneath the surface to discover the depth and value of the unsearchable riches in Him.
The Tabernacle in the wilderness is a great example. It's more than a tent. It's more than a place where sacrifices were offered.
It's so much more!

The study of the design and details of the ancient Tabernacle is filled with rich symbolism and eternal significance. Most importantly, the Tabernacle’s design and details point directly to our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s Dwelling Place
The Tabernacle was the transportable meeting place described in the Old Testament book of Exodus where Almighty God met with the children of Israel during the 40 years they wandered in the desert.
Specific instructions were given by God to Moses at Mount Sinai. The construction materials were made from gold, silver, brass, furs, jewels, and other treasured materials taken from the land of Egypt.
The tent-like dwelling place was built of woven layers of curtains, along with 48 standing boards covered with polished gold. These boards were held in place by five bars on each side.
The design and account of the construction of the Tabernacle is given in Exodus 25-31 and 36-41.
Specifically, Exodus 25 details the materials needed for the Ark of the Covenant, the table for 12 showbread, and the golden candle stick (menorah). Exodus 26 offers additional specifications for the Tabernacle itself, as well as the bars and partitions. Exodus 27 describes the construction of the copper altar, the enclosure itself, and the oil for anointing. Exodus 28 spoke to the priests’ vestments, including the garments, ephod, ring settings, the breastplate, robe, head-plate, tunic, turban, sashes, and trousers. Exodus 29 described the consecration of both the priests and altar. And Exodus 30 shared details about incense, the incense altar, washstand, and anointing oil.
Directly inside the gate of the Outer Court was the altar for burnt offerings. Between that altar and the door leading into the Inner Court was the laver. In the Inner Court was the Holy Place, which housed the Table of showbread, Golden Candlestick, and Altar of Incense. A veil, suspended from four pillars, separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, or Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was placed.

The Tabernacle Revealed Christ Jesus    
The portable sanctuary became a living symbol and dwelling place, for God desired to be with His children despite their sin.
Just as He sent His only begotten Son to take away our sins and make us holy, through the Tabernacle God gave a way to understand His Holiness and dwell in their midst.
Hebrews 9 takes us on the journey from the Outer Court to the Inner Court, giving a deep understanding of what God was showing His people through the Tabernacle (and later the Temple in Jerusalem).
In the Outer Court, where all could enter, the bronze altar was a symbol of the cross where Jesus, the Lamb of God, died for our sins, once and for all, with no more sacrifices needed.
Near the bronze altar was the basin, filled with water and used for ceremonial cleansing of the priests. With Jesus, all believers can be made pure, not just washed, and made a completely new creation.
Beyond the bronze altar was the entrance into the Inner Court for a select few. In this heart of the Tabernacle, a place of privilege, the Holy Place was a room where priestly duties were completed. Inside the Holy Place was the lamp stand, made of pure gold, shedding light in the dark room. Jesus, by contrast, became the Light of the world. The 12 loaves of bread foreshadowed Jesus who called Himself the Bread of Life. The smell of incense burning on the altar was a symbol of prayer going up to God as a sweet fragrance, even “as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given Himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour” (Ephesians 5:2) Logos Bible
In the innermost part of the Tabernacle, The Holy of Holies, also called the Most Holy Place, was separated by the very thick curtain. This veil shielded man from a Holy God, and no one but the High Priest could enter, and he could only do so once a year. Thankfully, when Jesus died on Calvary’s Cross, that veil was torn from the top to the bottom, allowing all believers direct access to God and to the Ark of the Covenant where God’s Presence dwelled. Our Lord Jesus Christ, through His death, burial, and resurrection, gave us access to God’s Presence.
God had always wanted to be with His people, and the Tabernacle revealed His plan to take away the sins of the world, to make us holy and acceptable, and to dwell in His Presence!

From the Outer Court to the Inner Court
Jesus was revealed in the Tabernacle, along with God’s Plan to make us holy, acceptable, and intimate with God Almighty.
So what do we do with that revelation?

The psalmist wrote: “O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for you in the sanctuary, to see Your Power and Your Glory” (Psalm 63:1-2) Logos Bible Software
God wants us to dwell with Him in His sanctuary, to live in His Presence!
Seeking God in this dimension is comparable to entering the Outer Court of the Tabernacle, as described in the Old Testament (Exodus 25-40; Leviticus 8). Everything begins to change as you fall on your knees there. Your flesh fights you every step of the way, and a war wages around you as you pray and seek Him. You get tired, the phone rings, the dog barks, and people need you “right now.” Still, somehow, you must keep going if you want to move into the Inner Court and eventually the Holy of Holies.
Rest assured, you wouldn’t be pursuing Him this deeply unless the Holy Spirit has placed a supernatural hunger and thirst inside your heart. How you respond to that gentle tugging and desire will ultimately determine whether you enter the Inner Court.
You must make time to be with the Lord.  Search for Him; seek Him while He may be found. There will be a battle!  Wrestle against the flesh—you must crucify your flesh—for that’s the only way you can enter His Presence.
The Apostle Paul said, “I die daily.” The flesh cannot get into the Holy Place or Holy of Holies. As with the Temple, the sacrifices of the flesh must take place in the Outer Court.

Entering God’s Presence       
Let me condense what takes hours to teach and quickly offer seven thoughts on what happens as you move from the Outer Court to the Inner Court, and as God prepares you eventually to enter the Holy of Holies:
You will receive a better knowledge of self in the Outer Court, but as you move into the Inner Court, you will receive a greater knowledge of God.
You can receive cleansing from sin in the Outer Court, but in the Holy Place, you will receive a greater understanding of God’s Righteousness.
In the Outer Court, your flesh must be sacrificed to Him. In the Inner Court, your killing of self ends and His filling of your spirit begins.
God holds you in the Outer Court as you praise and worship Him. In the Inner Court, you hold Him and learn to embrace Him fully.
Your tongue begins to be governed by Him in the Outer Court, but in the Holy Place, your tongue begins to govern, with His anointing. You can’t loose and bind in the Outer Court. You only do so in the Holy Place.
God gives wisdom in the Outer Court, but when you get to the Holy Place, God makes you a vessel of honor.
In the Outer Court God opens your eyes, but in the Inner Court the windows of Heaven are opened unto you.
You will go through battles. You may feel like quitting a million times. Demons will fight you. Friends and family won’t always understand. Yet as you break through from the flesh (Outer Court) to the soul (Holy Place or Inner Court), you are being readied to enter the area of the Spirit (Holy of Holies).

Inside the Holy of Holies       
People who hear this teaching often ask, “How can I move from the Outer Court to the Holy Place and Holy of Holies?”
It requires diligence. You must place the greatest of priorities on spending time with Him. As mentioned, you must sacrifice the flesh and things of the flesh. The cost is great, yet the rewards are beyond measure.
Is it worth the price you must pay? Ask anyone who has truly spent any length of time in God’s Presence. The second you move into the Holy of Holies, you cannot help but be touched by His Light…and so much more!
We are given this description: “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your Name they rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they are exalted” (Psalm 89:19Open in Logos Bible Software.
Righteousness! His face! Heavenly sounds! Light! Exaltation! All these are there in the throne room.
There is joy unspeakable in the Presence of God!
You understand, more than ever before, God’s all-sufficiency. His nature begins to permeate you. Things of this earth become less important as time with Him becomes more dear. Your life is forever changed, yet you realize that the transformation has only begun.
In His Presence you will truly know what it means to be more than a conqueror. You will become a bold witness because of what you have witnessed in His Presence.
Your focus on eternal things becomes clearer than you can imagine!

The Holy of Holies and You 
Untitled-1Do you want to experience God’s Presence in this dimension?
Are you willing to pay the price? He’s waiting for you in a place described by the Apostle Paul: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” (2 Corinthians 3:18Open in Logos Bible Software.
As you seek Him with your whole heart and an unquenchable thirst for Him drives you to your knees in prayer, you will begin to move toward the Holy of Holies.
Once the Glory of His Presence has touched your life, you will never be the same.  Spiritual hunger will draw you as the things of earth grow dim in the Light of His Glory.  And the resounding cry of your heart will echo that of Moses when He said, “Show me Your ways that I may know You!”
That is my prayer for you—that you will understand how Jesus was revealed in the Tabernacle, and that you will discover for yourself how to move deeply into God’s Presence every day!