
A Higher Level for You by Benny Hinn

A Higher Level for You!

Pastor Benny Hinn
Few things are more amazing to watch than a jumbo jetliner taking off!
I’ve spent hundreds of hours a year in the air, but I can tell you that the sight of nearly a million pounds of metal, rubber, glass, and hundreds of miles of electrical wire defying gravity as it takes off never ceases to amaze me.
I’ve talked to many pilots through the years, and even though they’ve done it hundreds of times, they never seem to take for granted what is required for an airplane to speed down a runway, lift off, and then climb to an altitude tens of thousands of feet above the earth’s surface.
I’ve thought about this many times, especially recently, since the Lord has been showing me the importance of faith as believers move into the coming supernatural outpouring and harvest!
And just as an airplane must break free of the gravitational pull to be able to take off and move up to cruising altitude, so each of us must break free from the “gravitational pull” of poverty, incorrect teaching, and even the flesh.
The Word of God tells us clearly that there are seven manifestations of the anointing in Scripture (preaching, teaching, healing, deliverance from bondage, prophecy, worship, and prosperity). It’s the anointing for prosperity that God keeps telling me to share!
And it’s specifically an anointing for property that God has placed so strongly on my heart during this special season of harvest and blessings.

Your Covenant with God Almighty

As Christians, we have the legal, heavenly right to prosper as a Christian. God wants to bless our life and make us a blessing in these last days so that the Gospel of His Son might be preached to the nations:
Thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. (Deuteronomy 8:18)
It was that anointing for prosperity in the Old Testament that rested on the life of Abraham, who had favor in the sight of Pharaoh (Genesis 12).
It was that anointing on the life of Isaac that gave him the wealth of Abimelech (Genesis 26).
It was that same anointing on Joseph that promoted him everywhere he went. And it was that anointing on the life of Solomon that caused the world to honor him with gold, silver, and jewels beyond description!
It’s that same anointing that Moses talked about:
“All these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field” (Deuteronomy 28:2-3).
And it was also that prosperity anointing mentioned in verse 12: “The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand.”

God’s Favor and Increase

When God poured out His anointing for prosperity on the nation of Israel on their way out of Egypt, they asked for “jewels of silver, and jewels of gold, and raiment: And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians” (Exodus 12:35-36). The wealth of Egypt was literally poured out upon the Israelites, and all their needs were met because of the incredible power of the prosperity anointing.
Only the favor of God could do that. It was His supernatural anointing for prosperity! And only that anointing can accomplish these things for either a nation or a person!
It was this prosperity anointing that our Lord Jesus spoke of when He said:
Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38)
Notice the reference to “men giving into your bosom.” In Scripture, the reference to the bosom is a reference to a “place of comfort.” So that literally means the people and circumstances surrounding you will give and add blessings to your life, your family, and your peace and comfort.
So why would someone give you anything unless God had placed an anointing on your life?
It is the power of that blessed anointing! And it is the measure with which you give that measures what you will receive:
“He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9:6).

Increasing Your Level of Favor

Just as the jumbo jetliner must increase speed to lift off and reach higher altitudes, so must we increase our seed-planting level to move to a higher level of harvest and abundance.
It is this clear-cut: If you sow sparingly, you will reap sparingly. But when you increase what you plant, your harvest will increase dramatically. This is the anointing for favor and increase!
“Sparingly” means a minimum. Not much. As little as possible.
Don’t stay in the sparing harvest! Don’t bind yourself to a sparing harvest.
Instead, raise yourself to the abundant harvest level by increasing your seed level. This releases the abundance of the prosperity anointing on your life. Give God more to work with. If you give Him a little, that’s all He has to work with. If you give him much, He has promised to return much!
Every level of giving releases your faith. You must release greater seed in order to release a greater harvest.
But it is impossible to see a greater harvest if you are content to give sparingly! You’ve got to move to new levels of seed.

A Higher Level
So if you’ve been giving $20 a month toward the Gospel, give $40 and see what happens. If you’ve been giving $40, move up to a higher level, perhaps $80. Double your seed for an even greater harvest.
Here’s why this is taught throughout the Bible: If you remain in the low-level seed, greater faith is not required. Your faith doesn’t grow. Giving becomes automatic and regimented, so God has nothing to work with. But when you wrap faith around your seed, increasing it, you release greater faith with that higher measure of seed.
Greater faith releases the anointing!
If you have been at a low-level harvest for a long time, then it’s time to release your prosperity with higher seed-level giving.
Now’s the time to move into high gear and release the prosperity anointing over yourself and your loved ones.
It’s a wonderful promise!
Dear, I believe this anointing belongs to you as a child of God! It is your covenant right to have it every day. Giving releases the treasures of heaven on your life and triggers the anointing for prosperity.
Miracles happen when we give God something to work with. Mightier miracles take place when we give Him more! 

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