

The Jesus Dream-The Most Unifying and Powerful Worship Hour on Earth Established with the Word.
1. The Holy Spirit introduced God to us at the beginning in the Bible with His works.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” Gen 1:1.
2. The disciples were together in a room praying; but when the Holy Spirit arrived for the manifestation of the Church, the Holy Spirit led them to declare the wonderful works of God instead of intensifying their prayers. Declaring the works of God then became the first act of worship by the church.
“…we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.” Acts 2:11.
3. In heaven, the Spirit introduces us to the first act of worship in concert by the four living creatures and the twenty four elders.

Why Declare The Wonders of God at TJD Hour
Based on biblical records, we were created for God’s pleasure, (Rev. 4:11), designed to endlessly declare His praises.
“This people have I formed for Myself; they shall declare My praise.” (Isa. 43:21).
We were carefully chosen for that purpose.
The Jesus Dream event takes place right at the center of the year.
Which is June 30/July 1 depending on the time zone.
*9:00pm Jerusalem, *3:00pm New York, *8:00pm Lagos, Dublin, London,
*11:00pm Abu Dhabi, *6:00am, July 1, Auckland, *5:00am, July 1, Sydney,
*10:00pm, Moscow, *9:00pm, Johannesburg, *4:00am, July 1, Sao Paulo,
*4:00am, July 1, Tokyo, Seoul, *3:00am, July 1, Beijing, Hong Kong, * 4:00pm, Buenos Aires, *3:00am, July 1, Singapore
Center stands for true unity.
There are six months behind and six months ahead.
Correlatively, God dwells in-between the cherubim; and likewise in our midst.
In the Old Testament, the high priest wore two colourless stones on his shoulders.
Each stone had six names of the tribes of Israel. Six names to the right and six names to the left. The shoulder is the place of strength.

Our strength lies in our unity in the name of Jesus.

Profile of Emmanuel Oje Ehimika- Preacherman.Preacherman
Emmanuel Oje Ehimika
simply called Preacherman, is the Visionary of The Jesus Dream. Humbly,He hails from Okpuje in Owan West Local Government Area of Edo State, South-South Zone of Nigeria. He is an alumnus of University of Benin, Benin-City, Edo State, where he bagged a degree in Economics in the year 1981.
In 1982, he completely veered off the field of Economics to pioneer the art of academic motivational talks in Nigeria.
Notably, on Emmanuel’s request, in May 1996, the Federal Government of Nigeria organized a national symposium where he addressed the first-ever lecture on Character Formation in Nigeria, targeted at inculcating in the nation’s youths, the development of excellence in character and success in academic pursuit.


By Pastor Benny Hinn

You and I were created to know God. This is our ultimate purpose for existence, and it is very important that we have a correct concept of God, for we tend to respond to Him based upon our perception of what we know about Him.
This has been proven historically. The measure of greatness attained by both individuals and nations has been in direct proportion to their perspective of God. Where God is welcomed and worshipped, there is blessing. Where He is rejected or ignored, there is often bondage and lack.

Immeasurable Majesty
Though our natural minds could never contain the unfathomable magnitude of God, we can know Him and discover what He is like through the revelation of His Word and through relationship.
A.W. Tozer, a writer whose works have inspired me deeply, describes the One whom we seek to know in this extraordinary way:

The God we must learn to know is the Majesty in the heavens, God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, the only wise God our Saviour. He it is that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, who stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in, who bringeth out His starry host by number and calleth them all by name through the greatness of His power.

Tozer’s words paint an eloquent portrait of God for us to consider, yet no words could ever begin to describe the level of perfect fellowship and communion that Adam and Eve experienced as they basked in God’s glory while they strolled through the garden with Him (Genesis 2). 
What tongue could convey the rapturous wonder that Moses experienced when, in response to his plea to know God, he stood in the cleft of the rock as God passed by, revealing His glory to him (Ex. 33:13)
So glorious was this encounter with the Lord that scripture records “the skin of his face shone” (Ex. 33:29).
You and I can know God, and what awaits us as we grow in our relationship with Him is beyond comprehension, for the Bible declares, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 2:9).
In Isaiah 64:4 we find a similar assurance: “For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.”
Within the scriptures God reveals Himself to you and me in 12 glorious revelations of His Name: One Name, 12 Revelations.                             Each revelation draws us closer to Him, bringing greater depth to our relationship and producing more intimate fellowship. And I’m sure your heart cries out as mine does to know the depths of the Master and experience the All-Consuming Glory of His Presence.

The Names and Nature of God
How important is a name? Is it merely a means of recognition, or is it integral to identity?
In my opinion, a name represents the authority and the qualities and characteristics that set you apart from everyone else and those considerations are all part of your identity. This principle is true in the Spirit realm, and is readily acknowledged when you and I pray “in the Name of Jesus.”
In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “When the petition is so clearly right that we dare set the Name of Jesus to it, then it must be granted.”
Man’s chief end and ultimate purpose is to know God, and this occurs through an unfolding revelation: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3).
God Almighty reveals Himself to us in 12 Revelations of His Name. Although these revelations were given years apart, they were recorded in perfect order by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and each defines with perfection the nature of an awesome God.

Here are the first six Names of God:

Elohim: My God, My Creator—Genesis 1:1

The first revelation God gives is that He is Elohim, as recorded in the Hebrew text. This name is always connected to creation, authority, power, greatness, dominion, and glory.  It is introduced in Genesis 1:1 where the Bible declares, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Elohim’s actual meaning is a plural form of God, because when the Name is translated from the Hebrew in Genesis chapter 1, it reads “in the eternal past, Gods brought out of nothing the heaven and the earth.”
Indeed, in Genesis 1 we find the words, “… and God said … and God said … and God said,” repeatedly, and in each instance it is the plural form of Elohim. God presents Himself with the plural name Elohim to His creation and the angels: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Genesis 1:26)

Jehovah: My Father—Genesis 2:7

Whereas the Name Elohim presents God’s existence, we see His personality revealed in the Name Jehovah. This Name is associated with covenant relationship, fellowship, and blood sacrifice.
For example, Elohim presents love, Jehovah reveals love. Elohim presents power, Jehovah reveals power. Elohim presents mercy, Jehovah reveals mercy. Elohim presents His glory, Jehovah reveals His glory.
The Bible tells us that the angels cry, “Holy! Holy! Holy!” while beholding His majestic Holy Presence. When we experience a revelation of His glory, we will do the same, but there is something that the angels cannot do. They cannot know Him as Jehovah—their Father. 
You and I can know this privilege as believers because of the work of the cross, which allows us to experience the intimate father-to-child fellowship that comes as a result of having a covenant relationship with the God Jehovah.

Jehovah El-Shaddai: My Supplier—Genesis 17:4

In Genesis 17, God reveals Himself to Abram as Jehovah El-Shaddai. When Abram was 99 years old, “the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly” (17:1–2). 
Abram knew God as Jehovah through his covenant relationship with Him. But, at age 99, Abram was about to experience a revelation of El-Shaddai, as God’s promise was about to be fulfilled: “Thou shalt be a father of many nations.… I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee” (Genesis 17:4-6).
When Abraham was an old man and Sarah’s womb was dead, God fulfilled His promise.  Abraham did not know the revelation of Jehovah El-Shaddai (the Supplier) until his body could not produce and his flesh was approaching death. The seed came after their revelation of Jehovah El-Shaddai: the Supplier, the Nourisher, the All-Sufficient One gave Abraham and Sarah their child of promise

Adonai: My Lord, My Master—Genesis 18:3

We find an example of the fourth revelation of God’s Name, Adonai, in Genesis 18. As Abraham was sitting in the doorway of his tent in the heat of the day, he looked up and saw three men standing near him. Bowing himself to the ground, Abraham, we are told in Genesis 18:3 calls out, “My Lord,” which in Hebrew translates as Adonai, or “Master.”  Being addressed as Master implies that He is in complete ownership and control.
God reveals His will to those who know Him as Adonai. Up to this time, Abraham did not have a full understanding of God’s will. That’s why he tried to help God accomplish the promise to make him the father of many nations when he took Hagar as a wife. But when Abraham begins to call God Adonai, the Lord begins to confide in him about His plans.
We are told in Genesis 18:17 “the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?” referring to His plans of destruction for Sodom and Gomorrah. When Abraham addressed God as Adonai, he was actually saying, “You’re my Lord,” and God rewarded Him with a deeper and more intimate relationship. As God’s servant and partner, “Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?” (Genesis 18:23).
From this point, Abraham began to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah. Great intercessors are born in intimate fellowship with God. As Abraham “drew near,” he experienced intimacy with God Almighty and became an intercessor.

Jehovah Jireh: My Provider—Genesis 22:8

God’s promise to Abraham is fulfilled with the birth of Isaac. Imagine the joy Abraham experienced as he watched his son grow. Imagine, too, how you might have reacted in Abraham’s place when God instructed him, “Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of”(Genesis 22:2).
Good servant that he was, Abraham did not hesitate to obey God’s command:
And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him. (Genesis 22:3)
After traveling for three days, they finally saw the land of Moriah (meaning mountains of provision) in the distance. Abraham told the two young men, “Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you” (Genesis 22:5)
Then Abraham and Isaac set off together, Isaac carrying the wood for the burnt offering, and Abraham carrying the fire in one hand and a knife in the other.
As they walked along, Isaac inquired, “My father … Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” (Genesis 22:7)
Because Abraham knew God intimately, he responded with a glorious revelation: “My son, God (Jehovah Jireh, Yahweh) will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering” (22:8).
In this Name, Abraham identifies a God of redemption. The Hebrew text suggests two meanings: “Jehovah shall be seen” and “Provider.” The revelation contained in Abraham’s response is glorious! In response to Isaac’s question about the whereabouts of the lamb, Abraham is actually saying, “Jehovah shall be seen!”
In that moment, I believe that Abraham had a vision of Christ on the cross, for the place where Isaac was to be offered (the land of Moriah) is where Christ was crucified. This is confirmed in John 8:56. We are told that while Jesus walked toward the mountains of Moriah, which are in Golgotha in Jerusalem, He said to the Jews, “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.”
Provision is impossible without possession. Abraham had a vision of the provision that was to come as he saw Christ on the cross. And amazingly the Holy Spirit put these revelations relating to God’s Name in such perfect order in the Word of God.

Jehovah Rophe: My Healer—Exodus 15:26

The sixth revelation of God’s Name is Jehovah Rophe, my Healer. This revelation came through Moses to the children of Israel as they were coming out of Egypt. It is presented in such perfect order in the Scriptures under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit because to know God as Jehovah Rophe, your Healer, you must first know Him as your God, your Father, your Supplier, your Master and Lord, and your Provider. When you see the Lamb as your provider, healing will come.
As the Israelites came to the waters of Marah, they found that the water was bitter and unsuitable for drinking. Amid their complaints:
[Moses] cried unto the Lord; and the Lord showed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them, And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the God that healeth thee (Exodus 15:25-26).
This is the key. The moment we see Christ as provision through redemption, we see healing. The word provision is connected to redemption. When Abraham says, “God will provide himself the lamb,” he is speaking of redemption. While the sinner may receive healing because of grace, the believer receives healing because of the covenant relationship that comes about through the revelation of who God is.
Abraham and Moses both experienced the revelation of who God is through a revelation of His Names. Yet there was one great difference between them. Abraham knew the Name, but Moses knew what the Name could do! He witnessed firsthand the power of Jehovah’s Name in Egypt when the gods of Egypt bowed, when Pharaoh bowed, and when the plagues descended upon the Egyptians.
A glorious demonstration of that power was manifest when 430 years of captivity came to an end for the children of Israel. With the wealth of Egypt in hand, three million slaves were delivered from bondage as they saw the power of the Name Jehovah demonstrated!
Many individuals today only know God as Elohim. They have never met Jehovah or experienced a revelation of who He is through a covenant relationship. The covenant begins with the knowledge of Jehovah.
As believers, and because of the covenant, you and I can know the Master in-depth and are able to experience a glorious revelation of Him!

God Almighty reveals Himself to us through the 12 Revelations of His Name: One Name, 12 revelations. In part one of “The Names and Nature of God,” I’ve shared the first six revelations of God’s Name. We will examine the final six revelations of God’s Name in the second part of this teaching.

The Book of Revelation-The Foundation of His Throne

The Foundation of His ThroneThe Book of Revelation
Rick Joyner 
         Therefore, since we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
         For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.
         Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:14-16).
         As awesome as the throne of God is, we have a High Priest who sympathizes with our weaknesses, even though He Himself is without sin. He did not go to the cross and pay the price for our sin to then condemn us for them—He went so that we could be reconciled to God. Therefore, we are told that we can come boldly before His awesome throne anytime that we have a need, and we can be assured that there we will find the grace that we need.
         If there is any flaw with the Gospel it would be that it seems too good to be true. How can such an awesome, Almighty God be so kind, gentle, and loving? He is so good and wonderful that it is hard for us to comprehend and accept—it usually takes a while for us to do so. It is hard for us to accept that forgiveness is that easy and that we cannot do anything to earn it. Our total forgiveness has been purchased for us, and for us to think that we still have to pay something is to imply that Jesus’ sacrifice was not enough.
         Many claim that they want the mercy of God and not justice. However, the mercy of God is established by the justice of God. God’s justice established that the consequence of sin is death, and Jesus, who did not deserve to die, died in our place to pay for our sin. If we then still had to pay a price for our sin, then it would be unjust, implying that the Father did not accept Jesus’ sacrifice of Jesus as being enough.
         So we can come boldly before the throne of God just as much when we have transgressed as we can when we have walked uprightly. We do not enter based on our own righteousness, but on the blood of Jesus and the price that He paid. When we come before the throne clothed in the righteousness of Jesus, the Father only sees the righteousness of Jesus—we are deemed completely pure in His eyes, regardless of whether we had a good or bad day.
         The power to enter before the Lord is never based on how well we have done, but on simple faith in the cross of Jesus to be enough to cover our sin and failures. Our boldness is because of what Jesus accomplished, not from anything we have done, or not done. We do not have to wait until we are perfect to enter His presence, but we are perfected by His presence.
         When Peter saw the Lord walking on the water and got out of the boat to walk on the water with Him, he could only do this as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus. As soon as he looked at the waves, he began to sink. We do the same in relation to the constant turmoil that is our old, sinful nature—all of the consequences of this sinful world. As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, as our Righteousness, our Way, our Truth, and our Life, we can walk above the turmoil of our old nature and the trials of this life. If we start to focus on the turmoil, we will sink.

         So we don’t charge into the throne room arrogantly, but thankfully. We “enter His gates with thanksgiving” (see Psalm 100:4). How can we not be thankful for such great mercy and great grace? Bold humility is bold in the Lord and what He has done. The boldness we have is a reflection of the faith that we have in Him.

The Book of Revelation-The Lord of Glory

The Lord of GloryThe Book of Revelation
   Rick Joyner

         When the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, to Him who lives forever and ever,
         the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
         “Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created" (Rev. 4:9-11)
         Here we see that even the highest authorities in heaven, the twenty-four elders, cast their crowns before the Lord. Who could presume glory or authority in His presence? The four living beings and the highest elders all worship Him, giving Him glory and honor because all things exist by His will: “In Him we live, and move, and have our being” (see Acts 17:28). Even those who do not acknowledge Him cannot draw a breath without Him.
         Because we were created for His pleasure, there is nothing more fulfilling or exhilarating than worshipping Him. Before His throne and glory, it is impossible not to worship Him. This is meaningful to Him, but it can be even more meaningful when we go through this life against the opposition of the hordes of hell. We only see Him by faith, but we still worship Him. Therefore, our worship here in this life can touch Him more than it can in heaven where we cannot help but bow before Him. So do not waste your trials, but rather worship, constantly offering the thanksgiving and praise that He so deserves. When we do this while facing all that we do here, it becomes a witness, even to principalities and powers that the Lamb prevailed over.
         We are called to not only see His throne as we obey the voice to “come up here,” but we are also called to sit with Him on this throne (see Ephesians 2:6 and Revelation 3:21). This begins with seeing His throne by the Spirit, but how do we go from seeing to occupying? Seeing the Lord—who He is and where He sits—can bring about the greatest single change in our life. However, this is not supposed to be a onetime experience. We are called to “sit” with Him there—to abide in His authority. This must be real and practical, like all biblical truths that have become life to us.
         Psalm 78 is an overview of Israel’s history with God, how they experienced His goodness and yet turned away from Him over and over. In verses 41-42 we are told:
         “Again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They did not remember His   power: the day when He redeemed them from the enemy.”
         Consider that they “limited God.” How could anyone do that? We do it all the time. We do it the same way Israel did, by not remembering His power.
         The Lord is the Almighty and all powerful. He can do whatever He pleases as far as power is concerned. He has purposely limited Himself in some ways, requiring that we have faith in Him before He will move on our behalf. It was said of Jesus that He could not do many works in His hometown because of their unbelief. So we limit God when we do not believe in His power, and we release Him to use His power on our behalf when we believe in His power.
         So we should continually seek to see Him—who He is and where He sits—on His throne that is above all other powers or authorities. We do this by seeking to see Him in everything that we’re doing, and including Him in all parts of our life.
         When the Lord was asked His name, He said that it is “I Am.” His name was not “I Was” or “I Will Be,” but “I Am.” It is a good thing to know the history of the Lord’s dealings with men and how He came as Jesus of Nazareth. But He is no longer Jesus of Nazareth—He is the Lord of Glory who sits on a throne of authority above all others. It is a good thing to see Him as the coming King, but the way we must see Him today is who He is today. That’s why we are exhorted by the Scriptures, “Today if you hear His voice,” and “now is the time, and “today is the day of salvation.”

         How would our lives be changed if we remembered the Lord’s power when facing every challenge that comes to us, and prayed with faith for His intervention? What would happen if we stopped limiting God by not remembering His power, and started releasing Him and His power into the earth by always seeing Him as He is now, where He sits now, and even began to sit there with Him? We would begin to live one of the most extraordinary and powerful lives ever. That is our calling.