
The Three P's of Passover By Sid Roth

The Three P's of Passover
By Sid Roth

At the first Passover, the Jewish people were supernaturally protected from the ten plagues that fell on Egypt. It is interesting that we find those plagues happening again at the end of the Book of Revelation. The same Glory that protected Adam before he sinned also protected the Jewish people during Passover and is available to protect believers today from all attacks of the enemy.
The largest outpouring of God’s Glory is beginning now. We have the potential to be clothed in His Glory like Adam. No sickness or demon will be able to penetrate this Glory. But, to be clothed in the Glory, we must walk in the second “P”—Purity.

At Passover, we are not allowed to eat bread with leaven, which represents sin. In our current generation, the concept of sin is being watered down. Repentance, holiness and purity are seldom mentioned. But God’s Word has not changed. My mind is renewed by the Word of God and my spirit is sensitive to Him because I meditate on His promises and pray in tongues. The key is to live in instant repentance and close relationship.

The third “P” is for Prophecy. We are instructed to celebrate Passover every year to remember the great miracles that God demonstrated. But in Jeremiah 16:14-15, God says there will be a greater miracle than the exodus from Egypt when He will bring the Jewish people back to Israel “from the land of the north [former Soviet Union] and from all the lands where He has driven them.”

Our evangelistic TV show It’s Supernatural! airs in the Russian language five days a week throughout the land of the north, the former Soviet Union.

God has given me Isaiah 40:9 as our “call” until Jesus returns—to saturate Israel with the Gospel. Read this verse in light of our recent acquisition of Middle East TV (METV), which reaches every home in Israel that has a television!