
The Power and Necessity of Christian Media Benny Hinn

The Power and Necessity of Christian Media
Benny Hinn

And one of the great privileges we have is to declare the message of the Gospel through television, the Internet, social media, print, and networks. Because of these media outreaches around the world, we literally receive mountains of mail and telephone praise reports of hearts being touched for all eternity.
Why Benny Hinn Ministries and Christian Media Are Effective
Because the media, in all its forms, is so familiar and ever-present today, we sometimes forget how effective it really is as a tool of spreading God’s Word.
Here are three of the many reasons why we must continue to use this powerful tool:
  1. Christian media allows us to cross cultural and religious barriers that would seldom happen otherwise. The media is such a powerful tool to get the Gospel into the lives of men, women, and children who might never hear of salvation and God’s miracle-working power any other way.
  2. Christian media allows our ministry to literally walk into the homes of people all over the world, at their electronic invitation! People can access us and watch, listen, or read when it’s convenient for them.
  3. Christian media allows people to open up to the Gospel in their own environment. People can access us at the touch of a screen, anytime, anywhere. They can be relaxing at home, eating in a restaurant, or taking a break at work. They tend to have their “guard” down. They don’t have to be dressed in “Sunday” best. They can simply open up to the Holy Word of God and the demonstration of the Holy Spirit’s Power without fear about what others think.
God is allowing us to use Christian media to share not only the message of salvation but also the miracle-working power of the Holy Spirit.
With the “weapon” of Christian media, God is breaking Satan’s hold on the hearts of people in nearly every country and village around the world, and it’s happening right now—even as you read these words.
God Has Even Great Work for Us

I believe God wants us to use Christian media more than ever, as He continues to expand our outreach as technologies become even more effective and accessible.

Staying up with all these technologies is very expensive, of course, but this tool is so focused and effective that we must continue to move forward in faith.
During the past few months God has given us a glorious time of anointed harvest. He is blessing so many of our partners and ministry friends with abundance as they support each advancement around the world.
One of the great reasons for this outpouring is to give you more seed to plant toward an even greater harvest. He wants to bless you so you can bless others even more.
Christ stated it plainly: “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38)
What better time than right now to sow your best gift in confidence and boldness into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry!
You can be assured that your seed-gift will touch lives all over the globe, not only through Christian media, but also through miracle services and mission outreaches that God has birthed through this ministry.
The Bible promises “glory, honor, and peace, to everyone who works good” (Romans 2:10), and I pray for increased blessings on you and your family because of your faithfulness to this ministry.
True Public Media

We are a faith-based media. We are public television and media in its purest form. We don’t have long lists of corporate sponsors. We don’t receive government assistance.
We are totally dependent upon God’s people to continue doing the unique work that we’ve been doing for over four decades. We are totally dependent upon God’s people as we make plans for the future.
One thing I know is that Almighty God blesses those who give faithfully to the spread of the Gospel.

And I truly believe that your seed-gift will bring you a great harvest and great protection for your financial tomorrow, as we are promised:
Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth…. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good. (Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, 6)
God wants to pour out His abundance upon you so you can give toward the spread of His Good News!
A New Ministry Website Coming!
Let me announce here for the first time that we are in the middle of building a completely new website! It is not only beautiful, but also immeasurably faster with greatly expanded resources, including more than triple the amount of content in Spanish and many other languages.

Plus, we are launching an entire new category of eBooks, many of which are completely free, to enrich your life and the lives of others as you share God’s Word. Every single feature of the new will be easily accessible from any smartphone or tablet. 
There are many closed doors to the Gospel around the world, but the Internet, despite some censorship in certain countries, but our website generally has a wide-open door that we are striving to make even more useful, convenient, accessible anytime, and powerfully effective.
For years this ministry has sought to use our website as a powerful tool for inspiring believers, reaching the lost, and providing life-changing materials to anyone we can reach.
And nothing thrills me more than being part of something like the development of our new website that truly has the potential to help us to fulfill our Lord’s command to “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15)
An Exciting Hour for This Ministry
The cry for the Gospel is the loudest ever.
Please help me reach them before it’s eternally too late. Help me seek to fulfill the Great Commission as we work together.
Help me fulfill God’s mandate on my life now during this prophetic hour.
Yes, the enemy of our souls is opposing every move we make as a Christian media ministry, but God is also opening incredible doors, and I want you to be part of this prophetic opportunity!
I am asking you to give today toward what God is doing in our midst. Whatever God places on your heart to do, please obey Him!
May I Count on You Today?

Yes, we face challenges every day. It’s been that way since 1974 when I first started in ministry.
But I’ve learned that challenges by the enemy of our souls is often a clear sign that we are being effective. And the greater the opposition looms, the greater the opportunities await us just ahead. I believe that with all my heart.
I am asking you, from the bottom of my heart, to give generously today for this mighty work of God so we can continue to make advance preparations for all our scheduled healing services and can take the Good News of Jesus Christ through the awesome, unprecedented doors He is opening to us.
We cannot lose this moment. We cannot lose the battle for the lost!
Prayerfully give to the Lord your very best seed today, and watch what He will do for you!
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,