

The Seven Anointings of God’s Word

I want to share what God has placed so heavily on my heart for you!
Read Luke 21 and you see that all the things happening around us—earthquakes, tsunamis, famine, wars, the shaking of leadership, planets being hit by meteors—are not simply a series of accidents. We must wake up! We must pay attention to what is going on.
Faith, Not Fear
What must we do? Realize that you are a covenant person, which sets you apart from others who aren’t.
God has placed a difference between covenant people and the unbelievers. It is just as noticeable as when the plagues hit Egypt, yet the Lord told Moses, “And I will put a division between my people and thy people” (Exo 8:23)
Then, as now, God’s covenant people were blessed even when they were surrounded by people who were overwhelmed with challenges.
We are given this covenant promise:
And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God. (Deut 28:1-2)
Today, as always, there is a major difference between God’s covenant people and the unbelievers. You must begin to believe it with all your might!

The way you see yourself and talk about yourself is the way the devil sees you. You’ve got to begin seeing yourself as God sees you!

If you speak your fear, that’s exactly what is coming to you. The whole world is afraid. Don’t you dare be like them! You are NOT them! You are a covenant person. You are God’s precious saint! You are the head, and not the tail, and you are above only, not beneath (Dt 28:13)

When you believe that, you place yourself on the road to anointing and blessing. It’s just that simple! This is a decision that God’s covenant people make every single day.
You belong to Him. It comes down to your covenant relationship with Him. If you believe that you have made a covenant with God through the precious blood of His Son Jesus, then you must believe that covenant cannot be broken:
“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips” (Psalm 89:34)
The only thing that can break that covenant is your fear! That is why as Jesus described what would be coming to this planet he said:
“But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified” (Luke 21:9)
Fear not!
In fact, there are 365 fear nots in the Bible, one for every day!
Instead of fear, God desires faith. Either you believe God’s promises, or you don’t. You must believe His promises, or you will never receive them.
We live in a day filled with both unthinkable peril and unimaginable opportunity. And if ever there was a time in history when the Body of Christ needed God’s anointing power, it is now!
But what is the covenant anointing, how do you move into it, and how do you see it increase in your life?

7 Anointings of God’s Word
The anointing is the overflow of Christ in our life!
It comes to us as we spend time in God’s Word, seek Him with our whole heart, and worship Him. Jesus said:
“If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15:7)
We increase the anointing by spending time in His presence. And you will assuredly know when the presence of the Holy Spirit has come upon your life.
Here are seven wonderful examples throughout God’s Word of what the anointing will bring to you when it begins to increase and flow as you abide in Him:
  1. Healing. Just as the good Samaritan ministered to the man who had been robbed, stripped, and left for dead (Luke 10:33-34), the minute God’s anointing starts to flow on you, it will heal you. Your heart will be healed. He will restore your health. And you will become a minister of His healing power. That is promised in God’s Word.
  2. Revelation. Your anointing will change your life. Exodus 25:6 talks about the oil that brings light. It pierces the darkness and illuminates everything around it. Nothing can stop it because the anointing is the overflow of Christ’s life. And once the anointing starts to flow in your life, it brings revelation knowledge, which allows you to move into a supernatural walk with God.
  3. Provision. In 1 Kings 17:14, we read about Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. She desperately needed a miracle. All she had left for herself and her son was a handful of meal and a small amount of oil. God performed a life-changing miracle for her, multiplying her offering far beyond anything she could have dreamed. The oil did not fail. And today, when God moves in your life, the oil begins to flow, meeting every need in your life. There will be no lack. That’s what God wants for you today. He is moving mightily upon the earth, and as you seek Him with your whole heart, the oil will flow on you, and every need in your life will be met!
  4. Abundance. Similar to the account of Elijah and the widow, one widow came to Elisha and cried out about the debts that had overtaken her and her sons since her husband’s death (2 Kings 4:1-7). God used all she had, a pot of oil, to multiply it miraculously. As a result, she was able to pay off all her debts and live in supernatural abundance!
  5. Deliverance. David spoke of the oil of anointing (Psalm 23:1-5) and how it delivered him from all his enemies. Not only that, but he spoke of God’s faithfulness in protecting him because of the anointing when he wrote, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.”
  6. Faith. The watchman spoken of in Isaiah 21:5 was told to anoint the shield. Just as oil was used then, the oil of God’s anointing must be used today. Faith must be activated and released, then God will protect you with the shield of faith because of that anointing. Today, regardless of your circumstances, God wants to release a mighty anointing on your life to protect you, completely and totally, but you must first activate it!
  7. Blessings. Psalm 133 speaks about the precious oil of anointing that flowed over Aaron, then God directed the high priest to command the blessings of God: “The Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” (verse 3) upon the children of Israel. Today, He commands the blessings on you through His Word. He even says, “All the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20).
Every one of these seven anointings of God’s abiding Word is for us today, to the glory of God!

God’s Eternally Secure Promises
The Word of God is God Himself, therefore it cannot be broken. For God to break His Word would break God Himself. That’s impossible!

God cannot lie. That’s why Jesus said it’s easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one dot to be removed from the Word of God (Matthew 5:18). God’s Word is established forever. God said, “I am the Lord, I change not” (Malachi 3:6). It’s His covenant to us.
The anointing gives us the power to serve God!
Throughout history, God has placed His anointing on people just like you and me, whom He’s used to do mighty things. When the anointing—the overflow of Christ—comes on your life, it gives you the power to change lives and influence nations.