
Be Filled with the Spirit without Measure

Be Filled with the Spirit without Measure!

Your physical body can go without water for only three days before it starts shutting down. At that point your mind starts playing tricks on you!
There is only one way to avoid the spiritual parallel. Be filled regularly. Or risk being unable to function properly as a Christian.

Should you lose your thirst, spiritual dehydration will follow soon enough, but you must recognize the problem; lost focus, diminishing hopes, low motivation and the like.
GOD is THE WELLSPRING, who gives THE SPIRIT without measure.
• Circumstances do not dictate your destiny
• Find your secret place of prayer ASAP
• Drought leads to famine…seek GOD’s latter rain (places the Holy Spirit is moving corporately)
• Be humble: re-visit your spiritual wells
• Believe GOD’s Word and embrace transformation
If you find yourself spiritually dry, remember that it is more common than you think. Just don’t stay there!

Quench your spiritual thirst before you find yourself…with no thirst at all.