
Our Powerful Legacy - BENNY HINN

Ears have not heard… Eyes have not seen… What my God will do in 2018!
God is releasing an incredible prophetic anointing over His children, and it’s happening right now!
What does this mean for you?
“It’s time to stop scraping the bottom of the barrel!”
I’ve heard this again and again in my heart recently, and I’m so filled with faith that I want to give you a word that I know is from heaven. The Lord is telling me: “We are moving through an unparalleled season of opportunity as He is pouring out on His children a great understanding of the urgency of the times.”
The message from God that has been burning inside me concerns an hour of unprecedented evangelism and how it is perfectly coinciding with the coming season of unprecedented biblical prosperity.
Believers who are ready to step into God’s favor during this time will see that it is His season for them to want for nothing—to have no lack.
Exciting Testimonies
Recently, as I’ve talked about this powerful anointing for prosperity, I’ve been showered with the praise reports of believers who have stepped out in faith. Let me share a few excerpts from their notes:
  • “If I hadn’t experienced it myself, I might not have believed it. Normally, I have a drop-off in my business at the end of the year, but last month I stepped out in faith with a sacrificial seed-gift, and now our sales have gone through the roof.”
  • “It works! God truly is faithful. I’ve known that for a long time, but I truly believe what you say about this being an unusual season. I’m planting another gift now for the spread of the Gospel. I can’t wait to see how God multiplies this supernaturally.”

  • “After reading a brochure you just mailed me, I’m convinced that Benny Hinn Ministries is truly fertile soil for my seed for souls. God blessed me with an unexpected bonus and raise in December right after I mailed in a year-end sacrificial seed for the Gospel. I want to continue to be part of this remarkable season of outpouring.”

In the few past days, God has placed on my heart again and again this passage of Scripture:
The floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with wine and oil. And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten…. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the Name of the Lord your God. (Joel 2:24-26)
We are living in a powerful season unlike anything we have seen before! What is happening spiritually around the world is being mirrored with wave after wave of financial restoration and overflow that God is pouring over His people.
God wants His children to be blessed so we can bless others by sharing His love in unprecedented ways.
And it is God’s timing in these days to restore everything to you that has been taken. But this will happen only if you discern this season and act upon His Word.
Two Crucial Areas
It is time for no more losses, total recovery, and total abundance for you and your family, especially in these two crucial areas:
#1 —This can be the last time you will ever scrape the bottom of the barrel!
In 1 Kings, the prophet Elijah went to a widow and asked if she would bake some food for him. She explained that she had only a bit of meal and oil and had planned to make the last paltry meal for her son and herself and before they died. Elijah told her to scrape the bottom of the meal barrel and mix it with the remaining oil. Then he told her:

“For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the Lord sendeth rain upon the earth” (I Kings 17:14).
The widow obeyed, and her life was transformed:
“And the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail, according to the Word of the Lord, which He spake by Elijah” (I Kings 17:16)
She went from scraping the bottom of the barrel in desperation to having more than enough. And that’s what God wants His people to discern. He wants us to live off the overflow. He wants us to move into the miracle season of nothing wanting—no lack!
You, too, can begin living off the increase. Your barrel will be full. You will never again have to scrape the bottom of the barrel as you step out in obedience to Him.

#2—Your debts can be gone!
Not only will believers who discern the season begin living off the overflow, but as God restores everything, an added bonus of this season of no lack means that debts can be gone!
We are told:
“Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe His prophets, so shall ye prosper” (2 Chronicles 20:20)
Discerning this prophetic season means understanding what God wants to do right now!
We know what moves the hand of God. It is not our needs. It is not our poverty. It is not our sickness. He is moved by one thing: our willingness to step out in faith at the appointed time.
The widow acted in faith, even in the midst of a horrible circumstance, but in that act, her eyes were suddenly opened so she could discern how God was moving her to the point where she could experience favor.
This mighty restoration is taking place now. More and more believers will move into a new dimension of abundance in order to give toward the revival of souls and miracles, as we are seeing around the world right now.
Get ready for God to move mightily!
It’s time for you to move into the season of historic overflow, with nothing wanting—no lack! Move into a new dimension of abundance as you:
  • Sow your most generous seed-gift, especially if you are in a time of deepest need, just as the widow stepped out and saw her faith rise miraculously.
  • Sow a sacrificial seed that will cost you something.
  • Plant into the cycle of God’s end-time financial anointing, and sow specifically for that anointing.
God is already pouring out a supernatural overflow of blessings on those who have discerned the season and have acted in faith.
We know that the Word of God promises that “the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just” (Proverbs 13:22) and “in the house of the righteous is much treasure” (Prov.15:6).
It is time to stop the losses in your life! It’s time for total recovery! For total abundance! Truly this is one of the most amazing hours in our ministry’s history. God is doing a work far beyond anything we have dreamed, and you can be a vital part of this mighty outpouring.
Seize the opportunity right now!
Sow a seed-gift, releasing it as an act of faith, knowing, as any farmer or gardener understands from experience, that the size of your seed will determine the size of your harvest.
Your greatest days are ahead!

“You no longer have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Your future is healthier, brighter, and more prosperous than your past.
This can be your season for no lack. The seed-gift you plant today into the fertile soil of this ministry will surely return in a mighty harvest of blessings.
This is your time to stop scraping the bottom of the barrel!
Rejoice with me at all God is doing as He continues to release an incredible prophetic anointing over His children.”

Your gifts toward spreading the Gospel make an eternal difference!
God is calling us to the uttermost, going “into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15)
Millions of lost souls around the globe are still waiting hungrily to hear the saving, healing message of the Gospel of Christ.
Help us say yes to these lost souls now.
Christ has commissioned us to spread the Gospel around the world, but we cannot be certain how long the doors will remain open, especially in today’s instability.
What we do, we must do quickly!

Today the “regions beyond” are no longer just geographical. They are virtual. And with the information technologies available to us today, we can instantly touch hearts—from the hurting people in large cities to the lost souls in the most desolate outposts.
It’s happening right now, and with your sacrificial seed-gift, we can continue to be in the midst of His greatest outpouring.
Sow your seed today into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry as we work together to take the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ to a hurting and desperate world.
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord, Jesus Christ,