
Heart and Soul - Phil Driscoll

** Heart and Soul **

Phil Driscoll
If you want to be a champion.
If you want to win, win BIG!
There is a price; you have to sell out!
You have to be willing to give it everything you got.
And when it looks like you can't win, you ve' got to get up; you got to say: "I am goin on"
"I am not stopping."

The heart of a champion never wants to give up or quit.
When you want to win, you ve got to go for it.
If you want to succeed in life, you have got to go for it!
You have to sell out to "the Heavenly Power"; you have to give your life to GOD.

O LORD, You are 'my Dream Maker'.
You are "the Keeper of my heart".
I give You my heart and soul.                                                                                                                                                

Prosperity is the Will of God! BENNY HINN

Prosperity is the Will of God!
He wants to bless you so you can bless others. Yet throughout history, the evil one has continually sought to steal, kill, and destroy, and many, even faithful believers, have allowed him to do it because they don’t understand how to activate God’s promises.
It’s time for the Lord to restore everything the devil has stolen!
Everything the evil one has stolen from you is coming back!
Testimony from the Pages of the Bible
Jacob learned this lesson well. When he went down to Egypt during a time of horrible famine (Genesis 47), he was very wealthy, and all of the 70 people in the caravan were all financially blessed by God. During the ensuing years, the enemy stole everything from them. Finally, when Moses returned to lead them out after 400 years of slavery (Exodus 1-5), they had nothing. All that God had given them had been taken away.

Yet when the nation came out of the land of Egypt, they left with the wealth of the Egyptians (Exodus 12:35-36).This was truly a miracle.
Everything and more that was taken from them was returned!
God’s law of restoration runs throughout the Bible (Joel 2). In God’s economy, the thief is legally forced to give back what he has stolen!
Are you ready to take back what the thief has stolen from you? Do you want to move into God’s supernatural harvest? Prosperity and restoration are not accidents.
Prosperity and Restoration Are Not Accidents!
Get ready for supernatural restoration!
Here are three proven biblical keys to scriptural abundance and restoration:
#1 Focus on the Lord
Make Him your Source and focus:
“I will cause those that love me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures” (Proverbs 8:21)
God desires to give surplus! He promises:
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

#2 Fill your heart with Scripture.
We are told:
“Lay up his words in your heart…. Then you will accumulate gold as dust…. The Lord God will be your defender, and you will have plenty of silver” (Job 22:22; 24-25).
Scripture, hidden in your heart, protects you in every area of your life!
It’s God’s law—directly from His mouth! He gives you covenant rights that bring prosperity! Satan, the enemy of your soul, depends upon your ignorance of God’s Word, but the more you know, the more you can defeat him.

#3 Obey!
Step out in faith:
“If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11).
Obedience is a powerful key in the kingdom of God. It’s what triggers the harvest, regardless of any losses you have experienced. You have the legal right to be blessed beyond measure!
When the thief comes to “steal, kill, and destroy,” you can be blessed with an abundance that defies his plans. You can be blessed with ideas, promotion, and favor. No curse can touch you!
But you have to trigger the harvest through obedience—by planting seed again and again, not knowing which seed will trigger the harvest (Ecclesiastes 11:6).

My Testimony—My Triggers
I’ve been through this myself many times:
When I was a child in Jaffa, after the Six Days War in 1967, my father began making plans to move our family out of the country. We faced near-impossible odds, especially with our exit visas.
One day, as the problems continued, I got down on my knees and made a vow to God:
“Lord, if You will get us out, I’ll bring You the biggest jar of olive oil I can find. I’ll bring it to a church and present it to You.”
The oil was used in the sanctuary oil lamps of the Greek Orthodox Church where we attended, and it was a precious commodity.
One week later a man from the Canadian embassy phone my father and said, “Mr. Hinn, we’ve worked everything out—don’t ask me how. You can leave when you are ready.”

It was a vow I kept after we arrived in Toronto, and I truly believe giving a sacrificial offering of olive oil was a powerful lesson in triggering the harvest through obedience, a lesson that would set so many miracles in motion.

A few years ago during one of my darkest times, I was faced with overwhelming challenges. I went to see my own pastor, crying on his shoulder, telling him what was going on. I was facing enormous legal bills, and the lawyers were demanding their money immediately. I was having a tough time wondering how to handle it all.
As this man of God prayed over me, the Lord spoke to me to honor him with $2,000 a month for the rest of his life! It made no sense at that moment, and it was very difficult, but I obeyed.
Meanwhile, the legal bills kept piling up. Shortly afterward, a couple from Texas walked up to me. The man said, “We love you, Pastor Benny. We’ve been partners for many years. My wife recently had a dream and God spoke to her to pay all your legal bills—past, present, and future!”
What they didn’t know, of course, is that the Lord had spoken to me as I left my pastor’s house, and God assured me that He would answer my prayers because of my obedience!
A year ago, I purchased a home. The mortgage was affordable, but as I prayed about the situation, declaring and praising God, I sensed that in advance it would be completely paid for. As a step of faith, I obeyed God and sowed $20,000 into the ministry.
Right after that I was given a prophetic word by a trusted pastor:
“Twenty days from today, God will open the heavens and pour out the money to you, personally, that will pay off your home!”
I was truly stunned by his prophecy. Nobody but a few people in my executive office knew anything about it. It was wonderful to hear a completely unexpected confirmation.
Right on time, a man walked up to me and said, “The Lord spoke to me to give you a gift—for you, personally.” It was exactly the amount I needed to completely pay off our new home! The money was wired to me, and the entire mortgage was paid in full—just as God had revealed it would be!
What started as a declaration and a step-of-faith offering became an actual miracle!
I’m not mentioning these three examples to lift me up. Far from it! God has placed an urgency on my heart to share these stories with you because He wants you to know that what happened to me can happen to you…and even more!
Here’s why!
Each of these three instances took seed to trigger that harvest! The secret in in your giving.
Each of these miracles first required obedience!
So, what happens when we obey, plant seed, and step out in faith?
We are promised:
“All these blessings will be showered upon your life and will literally overtake you if you will obey the Voice of the Lord thy God” (Deuteronomy 28:2).
The word overtake here actually gives the idea of somebody running from behind and tackling you.

Your Connection—Your Trigger—Your Step of Faith
Are you ready for God’s blessings to literally chase you down, tackle you, and overwhelm you? Satan has come to “steal, kill, and destroy,” but God wants to pour out His blessings and abundance upon you.
Your seed is your connection to heaven!
It can happen to you, too!
This is the moment for you to take back what the thief has stolen! All of us have lost things—opportunities, money, relationships, promotions…even family members that have walked away from God. But He can restore all of these things to you (Joel 2:23-26).

God is ready to help you recover and restore all, but you must sow seed ahead of the rain and harvest.
In fact, I feel such an urgency - God wants to bless so many with a hundred-fold blessing (Mark 10:29-30).
Many think it’s impossible that God could multiply your giving by a hundred times, but look at God’s supernatural creativity at work in nature. I’m told that one corn seed can produce a plant that yields 800 kernels of corn. Each of those kernels represents a seed that can be planted to reap another harvest, and another, and another.
Isaac, Jacob’s son, knew the hundred-fold harvest truth from experience. He sowed and reaped in the same year a hundred-fold as God blessed him (Genesis 26:12-14).
Imagine how your life would change when that happens to you. Believe it!
God’s seasons are important! And this is an unusual moment when there is an anointing for debt cancellation like I have rarely seen in my life and ministry.
Everywhere I turn I see the hand of blessing, and I want you to be part of it! Just as it happened for Jacob so long ago, this is your season of harvest, promotion, favor, and blessing.
Take a step of faith by planting a seed into the fertile soil of this worldwide ministry. Then watch what God will do with that seed through supernatural multiplication!
I Need Your Help Today!
As the clock counts down, will you sow your financial seed so that precious multitudes of lost souls can receive the message of hope and healing?
I feel such an urgency to ask you to plant a seed of $100, $1,000, or whatever God places on your heart, then to begin claiming a hundred-fold return on your life.

Believe it and receive it!

What better time than now, to make your sacrificial tax-deductible contribution while planting seed into a ministry with a proven, seasoned commitment of more than 43 years of reaching the world with the life-changing, miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Your gift can mean the difference for all eternity in so many lives:
“Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10).
Plant your seed of $100, $1,000, or more today, then get ready for God’s supernatural multiplication to be poured into your life.
I pray that you will be enriched in everything, in the mighty Name of Jesus!
For the glorious and eternal cause of our precious Lord Jesus Christ,

God is Love—The Book of Revelation Rick Joyner

God is LoveThe Book of Revelation
Rick Joyner
         As we continue our study of Revelation with the coming section that deals with impending judgment and wrath, we must keep in mind that Jesus said the entire law was summed up in just two commandments—loving God first above all things and loving one another. If we truly love God, we will want to please Him and not do the things that displease Him.

The law says that we must not steal, murder, or even envy others, but if we love others we will not want to do these things. Jesus replaced all of the “do nots” of the law with the simple positive of loving God and one another. Thus, our goal is not just to keep from sinning, but to do the things that bless God and His people. The “fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” and this helps us when we are immature. However, there is a higher wisdom that we must grow in as we mature, and that higher wisdom is love.

         Recognizing that “God is Love” does not negate the judgments of God, or His wrath against evil and those who do evil—these are the things that kill and destroy those He loves. God’s ways are higher than our ways, and just as His jealousy is not like our selfish human jealousy, His Love is higher than our love. The wrath and judgments of God are also part of His love—they come as the destruction of those who destroy.

         So as we stand for God’s truth, and against those things that destroy the people, we do not do so in our wrath, but rather out of a sincere desire to save. God prefers mercy over judgment. Even though there is a time when mercy will not be received and judgment is inevitable, this is grievous to the Lord and should be to us as well. Abraham, Moses, and many of the prophets of God in Scripture interceded with God not to destroy the people when He was about to do so. This is always in order, but when He is resolute that it must be done, we are called to be in unity with Him in all things. As stated, His wrath against evil and those who do evil are a part of His love. When the grace and mercy that was extended is rejected, we must resolve that we will stand with God, not apologizing for Him or His actions but rather being clear about them. Only then will there be a hope that others might learn that it is a terrible thing to test the Lord and side with evil.

         Even though we too have fallen short and have received grace and mercy, there is a dividing line between those who acknowledge their sin and turn and those who do not. Those who harden themselves against the Lord and His mercy have condemned themselves. There is a point when all will be in this “Valley of Decision,” and all will choose their own fate. It is the great grace and mercy of God that He allows us to “judge ourselves lest we be judged” (see I Corinthians 11:31). As we are told in Psalm 32:6,   

Therefore, let everyone who is godly pray to You in a time when You may be found; surely in a flood of great waters they will not reach him.

We cannot wait until the judgments are poured out to repent and align ourselves with God—it will be too late to find Him then. We must be resolute in finding Him now, and repent of anything in our life that would cause His wrath to come. Do this out of love if you can, but out of fear if you must. It is doubtful that anyone ever repented perfectly, but let us do the best that we can and ask for the grace to do better, while continuing to ask for the grace to repent.

The Power of the Priestly Blessing by Warren Marcus

The Power of the Priestly Blessing (Book, 2-CD Set & Amplified Prayer) by Warren Marcus; Code: 9525

By Warren Marcus

The Healing Breakthrough & Authority to Heal by Randy Clark

The Healing Breakthrough & Authority to Heal (Book & 5-CD Set) by Randy Clark; Code: 9532

By Randy Clark


See Through the Eyes of Those Who Were There
After creation itself, the greatest miracle was when God Himself became a Man and walked upon the earth. He did this to show man how to become “a new creation” ascending into the heavenly realm with a spiritual nature. This book, one of Rick Joyner’s favorites, is about this most remarkable time and written from the perspective of both men and angels.

The Supernatural Bible

The Supernatural Bible (Bible & CD); Code: 9530

By It's Supernatural!

I Am He that Liveth

I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 1:18

God's prophetic plan for this Passover season

Passover 2018 began in the evening of Friday, 30 March and ends in the evening of Saturday, 7 April

It's Passover—seven days of celebration. The first use of the number 7 in the Bible relates to the creation week in Genesis 1. The seventh day was to be “set apart” for Israel; the Sabbath was a holy day of rest (Deuteronomy 5:12). Thus, right at the start of the Bible, the number 7 is identified with something being “finished” or “complete.” The number 7 signifies a completion of some kind: a divine mandate being fulfilled. And I am asking you today to fulfill God's mandate to comfort His Chosen People in a powerful way by reaching out to poor Holocaust survivors.

We must show these precious people true Christian love before it's too late. It will take $55,000 to provide and deliver a wonderful box filled with food for the whole week of Passover, a small gift and other necessities to 700 Holocaust survivors...and we can't do it without your help. We cannot stop our work to defend Israel and call God's people to prayer, but we also cannot look away from this great need. I am asking for your help with your generous gift today. Time is short and the need is urgent.

The Jerusalem Prayer Team is only able to respond to needs like this as friends like you provide the resources to make it possible. The promises God gave to bless those who bless Israel are still in full effect...and you can claim those promises for yourself, your family, your church, your business, your community and your nation with your gift to bless the Jewish people. Please be as generous as you can when you send your gift—the need is great, and time is short.

Praise ye the LORD!

Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in His sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power.
Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
Psalm 150:1-2