
Praying For Your Family & Yourself Part 1

Praying For Your Family & Yourself
Part 1
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
EXODUS 20:12

Pray for your parents:
• Ask God to bless them.
• Pray that they would be treated with honor, dignity, and respect by everyone they encounter.
• Pray that they also would honor all people.

Pray for yourself:
• Pray that you would see your parents the same way God sees them and love them the way he loves them.
• Pray that you would always show honor and respect to your parents.
• Ask God to help you forgive all their failings from your heart.

Pray for your children:
• Ask God to help your kids show godly honor to you (and any other parents) the way God’s Word prescribes.
• Pray for your children to live long lives in the land their Father gives them.
• Ask the Lord to give your children a keen sense of honor toward all their authority figures (pastors, teachers, etc.).