
The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 9

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 9
Rick Joyner
One of the questions I am asked most frequently about this coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War is when it will break out. I have not received anything about the timing, but since publishing this dream, I have received messages from several prophetic people that have given words that civil war would break out in America in 2021. A rationale some have given for this is that Trump will be elected to a second term and this will exacerbate our divisions into violence. Perhaps.
I regularly hear words that are attributed to me that I never gave. Often they are the opposite of what I believe. This has been the case with prophecy from the beginning, and we see it with many of the biblical prophets—they had to contend with words from others that countered theirs. This is why it is increasingly important for us to not just seek to hear words from The Lord, but to hear The Word Himself. We must know His voice and follow The Lamb, not just prophetic words.

Something like a Revolutionary/Civil War is so dramatic, and its consequences so great, that it can overshadow almost everything else. However, the most important event now unfolding in our country is another Great Awakening. With the Awakening, we can expect revivals to break out in different parts of the country as well as a great spiritual hunger to know The Lord. This is far more important than the Revolutionary/Civil War and will be a main factor in the outcome of this conflict.
Things in the natural often parallel what is happening in the Spirit, and there is also a great revolution beginning in the church. Like the revolution that will restore the Constitution as “the supreme law of the land,” a great revolution is coming to the church to restore it to the solid biblical foundation of what church life is intended to be, and even what real Christianity is.
Presently, only a small fraction of U.S. Citizens have read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our ministry’s lawyer took Constitutional law in law school and his class never once referred to the Constitution. They spent all of their time studying Supreme Court decisions because the Supreme Court has usurped the place of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, and by doing this has become the source of the biggest divisions growing in our country.

Likewise, the church is filled with teachers and teaching that is disconnected from The Scriptures; rather, the teaching is based mostly on human thinking and wisdom. One popular evangelical journal did a study of what it was publishing and found that less than one percent of the articles they published had even one reference to Scripture. This is from the church movement that prides itself the most on being devoted to The Scriptures. Spurgeon once said that he could find ten men who would die for The Bible for every one that would read it! It’s still true.
There has never been anything, and never will be anything, as revolutionary as the gospel of the kingdom. This is the gospel that Jesus and His disciples preached, but it has not truly been preached since. There has never been anything written—and never will be—as revolutionary as The Scriptures. Just as we can point to the departure from our Constitution as the root of virtually every crisis in our government and country, we can likewise point to the root of the great crises in Christianity and the church to our deviation from sound, biblical truth. The main answer to the crises in our country and the church is to return to the foundations given to us in the Constitution and The Bible.  

The most important thing we can do to be prepared for the times is to:
  1) get closer to The Lord,
  2) get to know His voice better for our personal guidance,
  3) find our place in His body, the church,
  4) get the teaching, training, and equipping that we need to function in our ministry (which every Christian has),
  and 5) get to know The Bible for ourselves.

Some of the most popular doctrines embraced by Christians today are not found in The Bible, and many are even contrary to its teaching. Peter warned about the teachings that, “the unstable and untaught distort, just as they do The Scriptures, to their own destruction” (see II Peter 3:16). The foolishness of so many to follow those who are pretenders and disconnected from the truth is the cause of much of the destruction that we are headed for.

When a politician today challenges something as “unconstitutional,” more often than not what they are promoting is unconstitutional. Likewise, the same is true of church leaders declaring something to be biblical, or not, when the opposite of what they’re saying is true. When asked about the signs of the end of the age, the first thing The Lord said was “Don’t be deceived.” Many of the other prophecies about the end of this age highlight how deception will be a primary mark of this time. We’re there now.
The antidote? Obey the Great Commission and make disciples, not just converts. Those who do not have a devotion to and love for the truth—and the wisdom and the nobility of the Bereans who searched The Scriptures for themselves to check out what the apostles were teaching—will be deceived. Begin by studying what Jesus said about His disciples. A true disciple of Christ has knowing their Master, learning of Him, and becoming like him, doing the works that He did, as the greatest focus of their life. This type of radical, revolutionary Christianity is about to be released on the earth again. The most important thing we can do to prepare for what is coming is to become His disciple, according to His definition of what that is.