
Wise As Serpents A Crash Course in SYMBOLS

Wise As Serpents
A Crash Course in SYMBOLS

Ancient Symbols in Modern Times

Ever increasingly, and yet invisible and unimportant to most, dark forces impose symbols, motifs, and marks with double and often diabolical meanings hidden in plain sight. 

There are symbols which have a central theme and form the very basic grammar of a secret language with ancient roots in a belief system and school of thought which goes by many names – Mystery Schools (Babylon), the IlluminatiMasonryOccultSecret DoctrineNew AgeAstrotheologySecret SocietiesTheosophyExternalization of the HierarchyLaw of AttractionOccult, New World OrderLuciferianism, and so on – but whatever it may be called, the common factor and important thing to know is that this movement has a singular goal: to reinforce the serpent's lie in the Garden of Eden in the eyes of men that through special knowledge and disobedience man achieves immortality and can 'be like unto God'.  The quickest way to grasp the 'secret' and true intents behind the 'Illuminati' is to re-study just two stories from Holy Scripture:  The Serpent in the Garden of Eden and The Tower of Babel. 

"Whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open."