
Jezebel’s War with America & Defeating the Spirit of Jezebel

Jezebel’s War with America & Defeating the Spirit of Jezebel (Book & 3-CD Set) by Dr. Michael Brown; Code: 9625

By Dr. Michael Brown (includes digital download of CDs)

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 20

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 20
Rick Joyner

     “These are the times that try men’s souls.” ~ Thomas Paine

     It will help us to navigate through these times if we understand that these times are meant to try us. The greatest prophets, the greatest souls, and the greatest leaders arise during the darkest times. If we are alive for these times then we were made for them. God does not allow hard times to punish us, but rather to make us into what He has called us to be. He allows them because He loves us and thinks that highly of us.

     The Lord uses the title “Lord of hosts” over ten times more than all of His other titles. He is a Warrior. Yet, we are told in Romans16:20 that it is “The God of Peace” who crushes Satan under our feet. The peace of God is not the freedom from conflict, but it is the confidence we have in God during the conflict. To see correctly through the storms, we must maintain that peace that comes from seeing Who is sitting on the throne high above all power and authority and dominion. Just as Peter walked on the waves as he kept his eyes on Jesus, but began to sink when he focused on the waves, we must see the waves to understand the times, but we do not focus on them. We keep our focus on Jesus, and by this we will not sink.

     In this study, we are only looking superficially at how twisted and off track our federal government has become. There are other huge problems that we have not touched on, such as “the deep state.” These too must be addressed and resolved if government of the people will be restored. What we are facing is more than daunting, it is impossible—and we are probably in better shape than just about any other country! But here is an insight that may help you: it has been this way from the beginning of history.

     Since the fall, mankind has tottered on the edge of disaster. Almost every generation has fallen over the edge in some way, yet God made us so incredibly resourceful that we keep climbing out of the depths and somehow reach new heights. Then we tend to forget God who picked us back up, and we drift ever closer to the edge until we go over it again.
     So if we go through all that is coming in the Second American Revolutionary/Civil War—and we get our government back on the solid ground of following The Lord—could this happen again if The Lord tarries? It can.
Read Israel’s history in The Scriptures. It is a continuous cycle of The Lord blessing them with prosperity and peace, then they drift from The Lord and lose His hedge of protection. They are conquered, plundered, and enslaved by their enemies, and then they cry out to God and it starts all over again.

     So why spend all of our efforts and time for something that could just go awry again? First, we do it for The Lord. Then we do it for our families and our neighbors because it is the right thing to do. Not everyone will be good stewards, but we must resolve that we will do the best we can for God and His people while it is our time.
     This life has been called “training for reigning.” This is biblical. Since this is true, it will help if we keep our hope in the kingdom of God that will surely come. Then God’s will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This life is training to be part of His reign then, not just now. As we are told in Colossians 3:1-2, “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”

     We must keep our trust and our affections on The Lord and the things above, not the things on the earth. Therefore, we must resolve to fight the good fight and never quit, even when it looks like there is no hope of success in the natural. If it looks like there is no hope for success, it is because we are looking at the earthly instead of the heavenly. Our God who “stretched out the heavens like a tent curtain” (see Psalm 104:2) can fix every problem on earth so easily He would not even break a sweat.

     The ten evil spies did not think they could take the Promised Land because of how big the giants were. Joshua and Caleb didn’t think the giants were a problem because they did not look at their size, or at their own size. Rather, they looked at the size of their God. We must do the same.

     Always remember that “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” The main thing that we are called to do is to love God. When that great judgment day comes, the main thing we will be judged on is how much we loved Him. We love His people and we love the nations because they are His inheritance, and we want Him to have the best inheritance from our nations as possible. We love the people because they are His children, and we want to do all that we can to see that His children are protected, provided for, and have the best possible government—one that truly is “for the people.”

     Paul wrote that he did all things for the sake of the gospel (see I Corinthians 9:23). We do not preach the gospel of a political party or of America, but of a much greater one that is coming. We are just working to prepare the way for it. This is how we do it.

Looking unto Jesus...

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:12

To access the benefits of Jesus’ Blood, you need to learn how to agree with every promise and provision that the Cross has made available to you. Otherwise, you are being robbed!

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 19

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 19
Rick Joyner
     Earlier, we discussed scenarios of how the needed corrections to our government could come from within the government, starting with the three branches of the federal government. Now, we will look at what could be done if that does not happen.
     The next best alternative would be for state government leaders to awaken to what has been done to our Republic, and a movement begun to recover their authority that was usurped by the federal government. The federal government was created by the states, not the other way around. Under the Constitution, the only authority that the federal government has is what is specified in the Constitution, which was limited by intent. All other authority remained with the states and the people.
     There could also be a combination of leaders from the different branches of the federal government who join with state leaders to save the Republic. That would take some of the greatest leadership since the Founders, if not even greater. Since good leadership is a blessing from God, we should not count that out just because there does not seem to be such leadership on the radar at this time. We must appeal to God.

     I have known many people who were great leaders with courage and wisdom who ran for office and went to Washington. It was not long before they could only think politically, not as the leaders they once were. The beast that our federal government has become seems to devour any who come to it. Right now there is little reason to think our dysfunctional government can make the dramatic but necessary corrections on its own.
     If the government does not soon begin its own radical reformation, the people will do it. This will be another revolutionary/civil war, and that is where we are headed. I was given a vivid revelation of how this would happen several years ago, but I did not realize what I was seeing at the time, and that it applied to us. Now I do and will share it later in this study.

     As painful, costly, and destructive as it will likely be if our government leaders do not bring the restoration, for the people to do it would be the most effective way to restore the Republic and set our course toward fulfilling our destiny. Many of “the people” who do this will be the wealthiest and most successful, just as it was in the first revolution. Some who do the greatest exploits will come from the lowest, just as it was in the first revolution.
     We also need to address some important questions, such as how to have another revolutionary/civil war without it fueling the anarchy and lawlessness that is growing so fast, or succumbing to the same political spirit that seems to devour anyone who exercises civil authority in these times. This does not seem humanly possible, so we are again cast in dependence upon God, which seems to be His intent. Wasn’t this the case with the Founders? The scattered and divided colonies had no earthly chance in taking on the most powerful empire in the world at the time. This simply is not possible without God, and we need to remember that.
     Yet, God uses people to do His work. Friends have commented that we need another George Washington. I personally think we will need a combination of Washington, Lincoln, Moses, and the Apostle Paul. Even Washington needed the great company of remarkable leaders that all of the Founders were. Where are those of such a stature today that could pull off something like this? I think they are likely in the same place they were in 1775—hidden from everyone, including themselves, until the fullness of time came.

     Regardless of how confusing and hard things may get, never forget that fixing our little issues here would be a very easy thing for the One who upholds the universe with His power. He seems to have wanted us to come to the place where there is just no way we can be saved without Him. There really never is, but there are some where it is more obvious than others, such as the one we’re discussing.
     This does not mean that we do not have a part to play. Of course we do. He sent us The Helper, not The Doer. The Lord will help if we do our part. So what is our part?
Ø Obey II Chronicles 7:14.
Ø Have faith in God.
Ø Do our due diligence and get the education we need to discuss this with our circle of influence.
Ø Resolve to stand for the truth with boldness as we are given the grace to see it.
Ø Join with other groups or associations that are gathering to become educated and take action, such as contacting lawmakers, judges, and other officials to help educate them, or at least begin a dialogue.
Ø Resolve to never give up, for the sake of our families, our fellow citizens, and all of those who risked their lives, or give them, for the Republic we were given.
Ø Always keep in mind that “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.” That is loving God. There is none more deserving.

More will become clear as we get engaged and start moving again toward our national purpose.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 18

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 18
Rick Joyner
     Jesus had to be the most un-politically correct person to ever walk the earth, and the more we become like Him, the more we will be too. He did not fear men. He was not running for office or seeking to win a popularity contest. He came simply to tell us the truth.

     Politics is built on human alliances and humanly devised methods and strategies. These can be good and effective, but they can never measure up to obedience to God. Politics now dominates the church in America, and true spiritual leadership that is based on following The Lord is rare. The religious spirit has more influence than The Holy Spirit in most of the church today. The counterfeit authority of manipulation, control, and hype are substituted for the true spiritual authority that comes from abiding in The King.
     Paul wrote in Galatians 1:10 that if he was still seeking to please men he would not be a bondservant of Christ. There is nothing more corrupting of true authority than the fear of man, being a respecter of persons, or what we today call politics. This is a primary reason why the church can now be the last place that we can find God, and why the government can be the last place that we find wisdom.

     What can we expect from our leaders in the church when we have made hirelings out of them—being more dependent on men than God? This modern model for ministry is a perversion of what the ministry is called to be. Likewise, our Republic was not designed to be run by professional politicians, but rather by servant leaders who go to congress like one goes to jury duty. In the beginning, there were few benefits to serving in government. One did it for their country at great sacrifice.

     Both professional politicians and professional ministers are two species that need to be extinct. They will be when real leaders and true ministers emerge. Obviously, this calls for radical change in both the church and the government. Neither will survive much longer without such radical change.
     So how do we do this? The first step is simple, although this does not mean it is easy. We must go back to our founding documents—The Bible and the Constitution. Then we must resolve to comply with and defend them against those who would bend or dilute them.

     The Supreme Court is not the supreme law of the land—the Constitution is. Many Supreme Court decisions are contrary to the Constitution. Possibly no other entity is more responsible than the Supreme Court for the severing of our government’s ties to the Constitution.
     A best case scenario would be if the Supreme Court realized its departure from the Constitution, began to own the discord this caused in the country, and then initiated the necessary corrections. This would begin to quickly diffuse much of the discord in our country, help restore the Constitution’s authority, and restore respect for government. This action would have many consequences in our country, virtually all of them good. It would likely raise the stature and make heroes out of the Supreme Court, instead of the goat it will become if it does not do this.
     This could also go a long way to restoring justice in the country, which requires the non-political nature of the judicial. It would likewise force the other branches of government to examine their own deviation from the Constitution and correct it. This would be a best case scenario—to have the branch of government most responsible for the great threats to our continued existence as a republic wake up and take action to reverse them. That is my prayer. If only one or two justices awoke to this and stood up to defend the Constitution as they swore to do, it could ignite a movement that gets this done.

     The next best case scenario would be for the legislative branch to awaken to its Constitutional authority and responsibility and rein in the judicial and executive branches from their overreach, as they were given the authority to do. They were the only branch of government given the power of impeachment and the purse to do this. Of course, the legislative branch has its own sins to repent of, but this would certainly turn around their present single digit approval rating and help restore faith in the government. This will take extraordinary leadership with extraordinary courage, but extraordinary leadership is from God when it comes, and nothing is impossible for Him. We must appeal to Him.

     The next best case scenario would be for a President to grasp the departure we have made from the Constitution, and for him or her to use the exceptional power of that office’s “bully pulpit” to give a clear trumpet call for the repentance and restoration needed.
     The illumination of how far our government has deviated from our Constitutional moorings is coming, it is certain and the reform is coming. How hard and how costly the struggle is to do this depends on us. In Psalm 115:16 we are told, “The heavens are the heavens of The Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men.” This is why The Lord will not do things on the earth until we pray. He delegated authority over the earth to men, and “the gifts and callings of God are without repentance” (see Romans 11:29)—He does not take them back. This is why Jesus represented Himself as “the Son of man.”

     Those who illuminate it, initiate it, and follow through on getting it done for our government will deserve to be esteemed as a new generation of Founders. That will be a great honor. As we see in Isaiah 58, it will be one of the great honors to be “a repairer of the breech, a restorer of the streets in which to dwell” (see Isaiah 58:12). To be this for our civil government will be an honor for the ages, but how much more so will it be to have been a restorer of the house of The Lord?

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 17

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 17
Rick Joyner
     The church as we perceive it in the West is about to die. This is not something to rejoice over. Even though it may be far from the church that Jesus will build, it has accomplished much and will die in honor. It is a parallel of the life of Rachel, Jacob’s wife that died when Benjamin was born. Benjamin was the last son born to Israel and represents the last sons of God to be born on the earth. Benjamin means “the son of the right hand,” and the right hand of God is called “the right hand of power.” Like Rachel, the church will give birth to the “son of His right hand,” but it will take her life. So this means she will have been a mother to the last-day ministry, and we honor our fathers and mothers.

     The Reformation helped the church dig its way out of a deep darkness, but even as far as Christianity has advanced over the last 500 years, we have much further to go. This does not mean it will take another 500 years. As we are told in II Peter 3:8, “But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.” This means He could do in one day what we think will take a thousand years.
     It probably will not happen that fast, but everything is speeding up. However, what will happen will not happen through the continued reformation of the present model of the church. There is a new breed of ministry about to be released. It will be a people who walk in radical, revolutionary faith and power. This is such a new wine that the old model cannot contain it. For this reason we should not despair when the old model dies, but rightfully honor the Rachel that carried and given birth to the new breed.

     Likewise, a new breed of radical, revolutionary patriot will arise in America, and not just America—in nations around the world. God established the nations and gave them boundaries. He said anyone who moved the ancient boundaries would be cursed. That’s because He wants the nations preserved. Again, God’s unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity of conformity that earthly men are trying to impose on the world. God’s unity will prevail, and patriotism is going to win around the world. In this way the heritage and inheritances will be preserved, national and cultural identities will be preserved, and the great unity of diversity will be possible.

     Once we see our purpose, we can see how the church in America has deviated from its calling and see how the same thing has happened in our civil government. “We the people” are the ones that are primarily responsible for this because here, the people are the sovereign. The government of the Republic is designed to be subject to us. The primary blame for having our authority usurped lies ultimately with us for allowing it to happen. The people will also be the ones who wake up and recover what has been lost.
     This is a prophecy of what is coming, but it is also a forensic study of what went wrong so that we can correct it and don’t keep making the same mistakes. If we do not understand this, we will fall again because what caused the fall has not been corrected. Just as Spurgeon once said that he could find ten men who would die for The Bible for every one that would read it, we too can find many who would die for the Constitution. Far more may have died for it than have read it.

     As I shared before, our ministry lawyer took Constitutional Law in law school and they never once referred to the Constitution. The entire course was spent studying Supreme Court decisions, obviously under the delusion that the Supreme Court was the supreme law of the land and that anything it would do must be constitutional. Those who claim to be “constitutional lawyers” can be the most ignorant of what is actually in the Constitution. When a politician today says that something is constitutional, you can almost be sure that it is not. When they claim that something is not constitutional, you can almost be sure that it is.
     That is how twisted things have become and why The Lord’s first warning about these times was, “Do not be deceived.” Deception is far more common than truth today. This is why things reported in the media are now more likely to be false, or at least distorted. Why is this? You can also now count on the same from most of the pulpits in the American church. The message of the typical American church today would be unrecognizable to the apostles of the first century.
     The disconnect from truth has come the same way in the media that it has in the church. Of course, this is not true in every church or the entire media. It’s easy to see in the media how there is now a tendency to report what they want to be true rather than what is true. Is that not how we have changed the Gospel, the church, and even our concept of God into what we want them to be rather than how they are?

     One of the basic characteristics of true humility is being teachable and responsive enough to change, or to expand our concepts and beliefs. This too is repentance, and it is coming.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 16

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 16
Rick Joyner
As we began to address earlier, much of the responsibility for the increasing darkness in our times belongs to the church and our failing to be the light that we are called to be. While there are many great churches today, overall the church in America may be the weakest it has ever been in important ways. We cannot blame politicians for the failure of the American Republic without also blaming ourselves for failing to be the light we are called to be.
In examining the failures of both the church and our government, we are not trying to find someone to blame; rather, we are seeking to address the problems. We also need to look at how some of the basic failures of each are related to one another, which is why I am including this connection in this study.
We can see the American Republic’s failure to adhere to the Constitution as a reflection of how the church failed to adhere to the supreme authority of The Scriptures. We see the failure of the American Republic to be a nation where all men are treated equally as a reflection of the spiritual bigotry in the church. This is not just racism (though that is a major problem in the church), but religious bigotry. Religious bigotry is believing ourselves to be better than others because we are part of a certain denomination or movement. It is the same evil of judging by externals rather than by the Spirit.

The plague of abortion in the land is a reflection of how the church has aborted many of the seeds that God planted in it to bring forth new missions, ministries, and spiritual generations, but the church aborted these seeds. The church usually aborts them for the same reasons that millions of children have their lives snuffed out by their physical mothers—because they come at an inconvenient time, they are expensive, or we are too busy for them. We are just too selfish.

The increasing domination of the culture by the homosexual agenda is a reflection of the church’s spiritual homo-sect-uality, which is having relations with your own kind. We were made different to have interchange and to learn how much we need each other, not to separate from the rest of the body. The Creator loves diversity and His unity is a unity of diversity, not a unity of conformity. So where does this pressure to conform in the church come from?

The rising addiction to drugs in America is a reflection of how the church has exchanged the life of sacrifice and taking up our cross to a “feel good faith” that only teaches and practices what will make the people feel good. Pain is not a bad thing. It is a messenger to tell us that something is wrong. When we seek to avoid the pain without seeking to understand why it is there, we allow something wrong to continue and the problems get worse. When we embrace the cross and take it up daily, we learn to face the pain and remove it by dealing with the cause.

We could go on with this list, but we must not blame the heathen for being heathen—they are only doing what we would be doing if we had not been shown grace. Instead of being quick to condemn our government leaders for departing from the Constitution, let us search our own hearts and ask The Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin where we have departed from the ways He made so clear in His Word. We must humble ourselves and pray, seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways. If we will do this, He has promised to heal our land.

So we must rise up to resist the evil that is destroying us and our land, but we must keep a humble, repentant heart, not thinking of ourselves as superior to those who have fallen lest we have the grace by which we stand removed. We must be quick to show grace to others when they repent, just as we have been shown grace. Pointing out any who have failed to adhere to the Word of God or the Constitution it is not to condemn, but it is so the gate of hell through which the evil has come into the church and our country is shut.

That the church in America is at such a lowly state can ultimately work for our good if it keeps us humble, since God gives His grace to the humble. The Lord had seemingly endless grace for repentant sinners, but He had none for the self-righteous. We need to keep in mind that the church that fell to such a low state happened on our watch.

For this reason let us resolve that this will not be the end of our story. Let us be counted with those who in the darkest of times throughout history turned the hearts of the people back to The Lord and helped deliver them from their oppressors.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 15

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 15
Rick Joyner
Earlier, we began to discuss the link between the judicial tyranny threatening our Republic and how the church has been a culprit in this. We need to briefly elaborate on how this is so.
In Matthew 16, Jesus asked His disciples who men say that He is. This is the dialogue that followed in Matthew 16:16-19:
Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven.  "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.”
The “rock” that The Lord is building His church on is not Peter, which means “a little stone,” but rather the rock that is The Father’s revelation about who Jesus is. No one is part of His true church because they had parents that knew The Lord or sit under a pastor that does. We must each have our own revelation from The Father of who Jesus is.

Then Jesus states the authority of this church to prevail over the gates of hell, and what is bound on earth gets bound in heaven and what it loosed on earth gets loosed in heaven. Heaven here is not just the next life—it is a term often used as a reference to the spiritual realm. This is a statement about the remarkable and yet rarely understood and untapped authority given to the church that what it releases on earth is pervasive in the spiritual realm. When we understand the prevalence of the spiritual realm over the earth, we understand its influence over the affairs of mankind.
So how might this apply with regard to our government, Constitution, and the judicial tyranny that our Founding Fathers warned would be the greatest threat to the Republic? In I Corinthians 6, the Apostle Paul lamented that there were no judges among the church in Corinth. They were called to “judge angels,” but it was to their shame that they could not find a single one wise enough to judge the small matters of this life. Now let us consider, is there a church anywhere where such wise judges can be found?
New Testament church government was modeled after the Old Testament government that Moses established for Israel and was carried over into the Promised Land. In this model, elders sat in the gates of cities to judge the people, hearing and deciding disputes and even carrying out judicial duties, such as authenticating deeds. The elders established in the New Testament churches were likewise expected to be the judges of the congregations when needed. Paul lamented to the Corinthian church that their elders were not doing this. When he said that this was “to their shame,” he was likely being far more prophetic than he may have realized, as this lack could be attributed to most of the shame that the body of Christ has suffered to this day.

In Psalm 89:14 we are told that righteousness and justice are the foundations of The Lord’s throne, which is His authority. Righteousness and justice go together—you cannot have one without the other. If we are called to judge angels, how is it possible that we do not have such justice in the church? Why is the world not beating a path to our door seeking our wisdom for justice? It does not do this because the church might be the last place they think of as having the wisdom of just and righteous judges. We have strayed that far.

Now there are many false teachings circulating in the church about God’s judgment, not to mention our calling to have righteous and wise judges in the church. So the result is basically judicial tyranny in the church where those with control spirits dominate. Or we have anarchy in the church where elders are afraid to judge anything. Do we not have the same in our country? We have those presuming and usurping authority that do not legally have to impose their own opinions and prejudices on the land, or we have those who literally let murderers get away with it.
So what is the solution? First, we need sound teaching on the judgment of God, the Judgment Seat of Christ—the authority that leaders in the church such as elders have “to judge those who are in the church,” as Paul asserted that we must. Since judicial tyranny and judicial anarchy are now the greatest threats to our country, the church that is called to be the light of this world should have answers to these ultimate issues with a righteous devotion to justice that even the world would start to desire.

         Righteousness is doing what is right in the sight of The Lord. Justice is basically about people being treated fairly, and The Lord cares deeply about that as well. Both of these are key factors if we are going to build our houses on the rock and stand against the storms.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 14

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 14
Rick Joyner
We covered how the reversing of what our Constitution said about the relationship between church and state led to increased stifling of our religious liberty. This led to the erosion of morality and integrity, as well as our other liberties and the Constitution’s authority itself. Using the courts to do this was a main strategy of the enemies of liberty. They have accomplished this to a great degree and are now close to being able to almost completely nullify the power of our Constitution.
Judges are human; we cannot expect them to be perfect. An assault on America’s religious liberty may not have been the intent of the judges issuing the judgments that led to this, but it was the effect. That’s why the Founders in the Constitution gave Congress, not the judicial branch, the authority to keep the government moored to the Constitution. When Congress allowed their authority in this to be usurped by the judicial, everything the Founders foresaw as the greatest threat to our Republic—judicial tyranny—came upon us.

As shocking as this thought may be to most Americans, the judicial branch was not given the authority to determine what was constitutional or unconstitutional, and for a very good reason. Federal Judges, and even Supreme Court Justices, are not elected and therefore do not answer to the people for their decisions. This authority was given to the Congress because it was believed that in Congress, free and open debate would be required for congressional action. Therefore, Congress would be more likely to come to the right interpretation of the Constitution, the supreme law of the land. This was more likely than putting such weighty decisions in the hands of a single judge, or even small groups of them such as the Supreme Court.

We really need to get this: the Supreme Court does not have the authority to interpret any law as being constitutional or unconstitutional unless this is asked of them by Congress. It was asked of them early in our history on an issue Congress considered itself too busy to research and address at the time, and the Supreme Court has assumed this authority since. That this was allowed has proven catastrophic by leading to increasing judicial tyranny. It has also led to the increasing and unnecessarily vicious conflicts among the people over issues that were designated as authority reserved to the states and the people, and for a good reason. No small body of unelected judges or justices were to be allowed to impose their will, or their interpretation of major issues, on the whole country.
You can have the best form of government and still have bad government if you do not have good people in it. Our Republic has not failed, but we have failed the Republic. The present growing crisis could have been avoided if we had honored our national fathers by heeding their warnings, especially about the threat of judicial tyranny. Because judges are now so politicized, making decisions based more on political prejudices or expediency rather than the merits of each case or its adherence to the Constitution, increasingly desperate political maneuvering now dominates the judicial branch. For there to be true justice, no politics should be allowed in the judicial, and we have drifted far from that now.

A strong, just, independent judiciary is necessary for true justice. This can only be recovered and maintained by strong, just, independent judges who are committed to staying in their lane as established by the Constitution. For any judge to legislate from the bench, or make law, is unconstitutional. Congress alone was given the authority to make laws, not the judiciary or executive branches.
Weak, inept leadership in Congress has allowed its authority to be usurped by both the judicial and executive branches. Every time this is allowed and goes uncontested by Congress the Constitution’s authority as the supreme law of the land is weakened, and we continue spiraling down toward a terrible chaos. Later we will address specific examples of when and how this happened and the damage it has done, but there is another culprit in this we must address first—the church.
Again, whenever we see major destructive strongholds growing in our land we need to look at the church first because what we release or bind in heaven gets released, or bound, on the earth. Or, our salt has lost its ability to preserve and our light has not been shining. Later, we will examine the connection between the failure of church leadership and the release of judicial tyranny in our land.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 13

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 13
Rick Joyner
It is basic military doctrine that you cannot defeat an enemy you do not see. Seeing the enemy implies understanding him. Just as the most effective military leaders are those who learn the ways of their adversaries so they can counter them, we are commanded not to be ignorant of the enemy’s schemes.
After studying our nation’s founding and being convinced that the hand of God was in it and that our founding documents were inspired by wisdom from above, it was easy to see how the enemy would seek to destroy us and thereby destroy God’s purpose for our nation. In my dream, I saw one word in large caps that summed up our purpose: LIBERTY. This was followed by “and justice for all.” We cannot have true liberty if it is not for all, and we cannot have true justice unless it is for all.

One of the primary linchpins holding our Constitution together has been under relentless assault by the enemies of our freedom. This assault has come primarily through the courts by activist judges. Their ultimate target has been our religious liberty, and a main strategy has been to set us adrift by a false interpretation of the relationship between the church and the state established in the Constitution.
It is very possible that none of these judges really knew the impact of their decisions and how they were an assault on our Constitution and therefore our Republic. Just as Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him to be forgiven because they did not know what they were doing, this is often the case by those used by the devil. This is why we are told that we do not war against flesh and blood, but against the principalities and powers using people to do their work. Even so, we must see the strategy to counter it.
Nowhere in the Constitution is there mention of the separation of the church and state. This is a major fallacy and deception by which the enemies of the truth have worked to destroy a linchpin of our Republic—the freedom of religion. Most Americans, and even many conservatives who promote adherence to the Constitution, believe this lie. What is actually stated is that “congress will establish no religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof.” This was intended to keep the federal government out of the church, not the other way around. The Founders even argued that the Republic could not last without the influence of the church.

Again, the term “separation of church and state” is not found in the Constitution or any other founding documents. Those who say that it is are only revealing their ignorance of the Constitution. This term was coined by Thomas Jefferson in his letters to the Danbury Baptists. That term, and his letters, were intended to ensure them that the church would be protected from the intrusion of the state, not the other way around. This false interpretation of the Constitution and its wrong application has resulted in the attempt to use the government, especially the courts, to inhibit the freedom of religion in America. This is itself a serious violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We can see that in the year this began to be wrongly applied by the Supreme Court to remove prayer from public schools, America began its present meltdown in morality, righteousness, and justice. By this decision, the Supreme Court allowed a tiny fraction of the population that were atheists and agnostics to sever one of the most basic and important provisions of the Constitution and violate the religious liberty of the rest of the country.
For this to be allowed to stand—and the way that it was done through the Supreme Court without even being contested—has led to the eroding of many other basic liberties, and now has our continued existence as a Republic in jeopardy. It did this by allowing the judicial tyranny to go to a new level of intrusion on the authority of the other branches of government, the states, and the people.

As application of Supreme Court decisions have become even more intrusive into these domains, it has brought us to the crisis point where it will be determined if we live or die as a Republic. To be the salt and light that Christians are called to be, we must resolve to stand against evil, injustice, and tyranny. We are called to be “freedom fighters” and it should be fundamental to all Christians to fight for “liberty and justice for all.”

Stewardship is one of the basic ways we will be judged as faithful or unfaithful to The Lord, as Jesus explained in the Parable of the Talents. This is not just about stewarding our money or stuff, but also stewarding all that God has entrusted to us. As Americans we must be good stewards of the freedoms that have been entrusted to us.
The only commandment that God gave with a promise attached is to honor our fathers and mothers. The promise given for doing this is that it would “go well” with us and that our days would be prolonged. What could be more dishonoring of our national fathers and mothers than to lose what was entrusted to us on our watch, that which was paid for by such a dear price? America has been called “the home of the brave,” and we have been preserved by the courage and sacrifice of many. Now it is our turn.

Courage is the greatest need we have today in our Christian and national leadership. When the first apostles were threatened by the Sanhedrin they did not pray for more wisdom, protection, or even more power; they prayed for boldness. Boldness is the fruit of courage. We are about to see a bold new breed of leader arise.

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War Part 12

The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, Part 12
Rick Joyner
One of the biggest evil strongholds now growing in the U.S. is causing people to be offended by just about anything. The penalty for causing someone to be offended is getting increasingly severe and has even been proposed to be a criminal offense. This has led to people being increasingly controlled by the fear of offending someone to the point of almost completely shackling free expression. This is a basic assault on one of the two linchpin freedoms that all of our other freedoms stand on—the freedom of speech.
This has led to another growing bondage in our land—the “tyranny of the minority.” This is how a tiny percentage of people can claim to be offended by something and by this take away the rights of everyone else. This is how prayer was taken out of our public schools, which fueled the assault on just about every other religious expression, a very basic violation of the Constitution. Led by the increasingly dominant thought police, lawmakers and judges have sided with this basic and final assault on our freedom. They are now even proposing that almost anything that is contrary to liberal political correctness is “hate speech” deserving of criminal prosecution.

A law was proposed in the European Union recently that would make it a crime to criticize E.U. immigration policy. There have been even more onerous laws proposed in the United Nations that would have been binding on all member nations. It hasn’t happened yet, but that is just one step away from making it a crime to criticize any policy, which is just one step away from the release of a worldwide Gestapo.

We may think that America would never fall that far, but we have tended to only be a few steps behind such trends in Europe. However, the American Republic is not going to fall that far, not because we are so much smarter or stronger, but because of the grace of God. A major pushback is coming against all of the PC madness that has sought to bind and micro-manage people until they are compliant automatons. 

In II Corinthians 3:17, we are told that “where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is liberty.” The subjugation of the people is always an attempt to hinder the moving of The Spirit of The Lord, and the spirit behind the PC madness and the subsequent laws is an attempt to inhibit the coming greatest move of God that there has ever been.
It is now easy to see the factors that are causing the internal social pressures to increase until they explode. A major factor that we need to see and address is how the church is responsible for this. What we release in heaven, or from our high position, gets released on the earth. What we bind in the high position we’ve been called to will get bound on the earth. Is this basic intolerance of freedom of speech or freedom of thought not dominate in most of the church?
The seeds of intolerance now expanding in the world were sown by the Pharisaical spirit in much of the church. Even with the great movements that were born out of a revelation that recovered and restored biblical truth to the church, almost all quickly became intolerant of any who did not agree with them, or presumed to go even further in the pursuit of the truth. That is the spirit that operated in the Pharisees, not Jesus.
This is not to imply that we should let anyone teach anything in the church. We must have a devotion to adhering to sound biblical teaching, but we must do this because we love the truth, not because we are threatened by those who see some things differently. The spirit of intolerance is evil regardless of where it is found. The counter to this spirit is not tolerance of anything, but rather a love for the truth that defends and protects the truth in the Spirit of Christ.

The church is responsible for allowing many evils to be released into these times by what we have tolerated, but the church will also be the source of what breaks the power of this evil. A new revolution is coming to the church, and then through it. The result of this will be the release of great champions of the truth that will be some of the most powerful messengers to walk the earth.
As we see in Revelation 12, when Satan is cast out of heaven, or the high positions he controls, he will come to the earth with great wrath. Because Satan dwells in darkness, just his exposure by the light begins to break his power, and he will react to the coming light with all of the violence he can muster. There are now many conditioned reactionaries who will come in great violence who must not be confused with the righteous revolutionaries.
Presently, most of our divisions have been cast in political terms, either liberal or conservative. There are other alternatives to these two. There is a transcendent truth, a transcendent cause that is beyond politics, and it will ultimately prevail. Just as a basic military strategy is to take the high ground and fight from it, we must do the same. We must not get pulled down into the low ground of smaller issues.