
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb

                                    THE BOOK OF REVELATION

How It Will All Be Fulfilled!


GOD has called "the Church" to continually receive Revelation of 'coming Major-Events.'

She was called to preach and prophesy "the Coming Kingdom Age!"


Now You Will Understand the Sequence of Prophetic Events in the Bible!


How It Will All Be Fulfilled!


'The Church Age,' The Seven Seals, The Seven Trumpets, The Seven Vials, ‘Rise of Babylon and the Beast,’ The Great Tribulation, The First Resurrection, The Great Day of God’s Wrath, ‘The Fall of Babylon,’ The Marriage Supper of The  Lamb, The Second Coming of Christ, ‘Armageddon,’ ‘the Imprisonment of Satan in the Abyss,’ The Millennial Reign of Christ, ‘the Release of Satan from the Abyss,’ ‘The War of Gog and Magog,’ ‘the Casting of Satan into the lake of fire,’ The Great White Throne Judgment, New Heaven and New Earth, The New Jerusalem, and ‘The Eternal Perfect State.’


Are You Ready to Discover What GOD's Word says about 'Mysteries of the Ages,' future trouble and conflicts, wars, plagues, woes, future blessings, destinies of nations, rise and fall of Empires, Triumph of the True Church, Triumphant Christ, the Antichrist’s Defeat, and Satan’s Defeat?


After "The Great Day of GOD's Wrath" upon the Earth, 

"The Marriage Supper of The Lamb" takes place in Heaven.


It will be a ‘Great Wedding Feast’ — "The Triumphant Christ" weds His ‘Excellent Bride’ — "The Triumphant Church."


This glorious Event comes before “The Second Coming of Christ.”

Only those who have “The Testimony of Jesus,” “The Word of GOD,” and “the Seal of The Living GOD” are called to “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.”




The Marriage Supper of The Lamb

"Blessed are they which are called unto The Marriage Supper of The Lamb."

Revelation 19:9 b KJV

Christ Weds His Bride

After Heaven exults over ‘Babylon's Fall’ (Rev. 19:1-5); 'the voice of a great multitude,' 'as the voice of many waters and as the voice of mighty thunderings' rejoices, saying:

"Alleluia: for The Lord God omnipotent reigneth.

Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to Him: for The Marriage of The Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready" (Rev. 19:6-7 KJV).

The triumphant song being ended (verses 1 to 5), and ‘marriage-song’ begins (vv. 6-7).

Oh! The perfection of ‘Heavenly opera.’

The chorus was large and loud, as "the voice of many waters" and of “mighty thunderings.”

GOD is fearful in praises.

There is no discord in Heaven; “the morning stars” sing together; no jarring string, nor key untuned, but pure and perfect melody.

The occasion of this worship song by a great multitude and all of Heaven is a declaration of the Reign and Dominion of The Omnipotent GOD Who has redeemed His Church by His own Blood, and is now in a more public-manner betrothing her to Himself: "The Marriage of The Lamb has come..."


“The Marriage Supper of The Lamb” or “The Marriage of The Lamb” is ‘The Wedding Feast of The Lamb.’

Before the appointed time for this Marriage Ceremony, “The Bride of Christ” will be made ready—she indeed has to be ready.

GOD’s Word guarantees us — “The Marriage of The Lamb,” and as well gives us the assurance of the readiness of “The Bride of Christ.”

Concerning His Bride, verse 8 states:

“And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints” (KJV).

At the Marriage Ceremony, the Bride is adorned in the finest white linen - bright and pure. She is clothed in "Righteousness."

The Bride is clothed in the Righteousness of GOD — "the righteous acts of the saints."

She had washed her robes and made them white in The Blood of The Lamb (see Rev. 7:14); and this Royal apparel she did not purchase by any price of her own, but received it as free gift and grant of her Blessed LORD.


Those who are invited to “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb” are truly blessed, the “fellowservant” (saint in Heaven) who bears this testimony to John, confirms the authenticity of this prophecy by saying: “These are the true sayings of God” (v.9 c KJV).

The purpose and design of this Heavenly Ceremony is by GOD's Will and Counsel.


Before “The Second Coming of Christ,” “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb” will take place in Heaven.

These are two events of special significance in GOD’s Divine Calendar.


 “The Bride” belongs to “The Bridegroom.”

And, “The Bridegroom” rejoices over His Bride.

When “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb” finally comes, “The Bridegroom” shall go forth of His chamber, and His Bride out of her closet.

Then,the Voice of The Bridegroom” and “the voice of the Bride” will be heard — the voice of joy and the voice of gladness.


The Church is “The Bride of Christ.” She is being prepared by The Spirit for this great Marriage Ceremony, and when she is finally ready, she shall become an ‘Excellent Bride.’

She will be presented as a "Chaste-Virgin" to Christ.

She was redeemed as a kind of “Firstfruits” unto GOD and to The LAMB.

To “The Bridegroom,” she is more desirable than all the treasures of Heaven.

To "The Bridegroom," this 'Marriage Supper' is the Day of the Gladness of His heart.


To “the Bride,” it will be ‘Love Unforgettable’ — Everlasting Love.

She has been through 'troubled-nights' — through ‘wilderness of afflictions,’ perils, persecutions, tribulations, and even martyrdom. But, she will be perfectly united with her Faithful Bridegroom.  Together with her Bridegroom she will sing "The Song of Songs."


“The Bridegroom” is "The KING of Glory", He will bring His Bride into His chambers.

He will take her to the banquet and His banner over her is Love (SOS. 2:4 rephrased).

The Bridegroom will praise His Bride!

He will take her to 'a fountain sealed', and to 'a fountain of gardens.'


Because "the Bride" is The Lamb's wife, this is why in agreement with His Testimony to the churches, The Spirit and the Bride say “Come.”

"And The Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come..." (Rev. 22:17 KJV).

She is “the Body of Christ.”

“… Christ is the Head of His body, the church; He gave His life to be her Savior (Eph. 5:23 NLT).

She is already joined with her Bridegroom as “One Spirit” — as her LORD (see I Cor. 6:17).  By “One Spirit” she was baptized into “One Body” (read I Cor. 12:13). And, at “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb,” she will be presented to Christ as 'a Chaste Virgin' – she shall be united with her Bridegroom forever!


The venue for this Royal-celestial Wedding Ceremony has to be in “The New Jerusalem” which John saw in the spirit, from a great and high mountain — as it descends out of Heaven from GOD. The angel that revealed this to John, also referred to ‘the holy Jerusalem’ as “the bride, The Lamb's wife” (read Revelation 21:9-10).

The fulfillment of "The Holy Communion" — “The LORD's Supper” (which is represented in the Passover) shall be in “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb,” when He will drink 'of the fruit of the vine' — 'new wine out of new wineskins' with His Bride in "The Kingdom of GOD."

The “wine” signifies "The New Covenant" in His Blood, which He shed for His Bride (His Church).


"The Bridegroom" will eat bread with His Bride.

This "bread" signifies His Body — which is our Union with Him — and our Unity as "the Body of Christ" (read Lk. 22:14-20).


The Blood and the Body of Christ has made our Union with Him possible.

This has made a way for "the Communion of the Blood of Christ" — it has made a way for "the Communion of the Body of Christ" — signified in the wine and bread.


"The Bridegroom" is "The Lamb" — this glorious Marriage Supper is His.

“The Bride of Christ” is ‘The Faithful Church’ that kept “The Word of GOD,” and “The Testimony of Jesus”— she is given “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.”

She is “The True Church of Jesus Christ” that worship GOD in spirit and in Truth, she was called to win souls for The Kingdom of GOD.

She is ‘a Wise-Virgin.’

She is “The Church Triumphant” and will rule and reign with Him.


Christ is “The Head of the Church,” and the Church is His body.

He is her LORD, SAVIOR, REDEEMER, MESSIAH, and BRIDEGROOM — He laid down His life for her.


The whole collective body of all those who partake of this Feast is “the Bride,” The Lamb's wife; they eat into “One Body,” and drink into “One Spirit,” and are not mere spectators or guests, but coalesce into the espoused celestial-party; “The Mystical Body of Christ.”

“The True Church” is beloved of Christ, she shall enjoy sweet Communion with Him forever.

Only those who have “The Testimony of Jesus,” “The Word of GOD,” and “the Seal of The Living GOD” are called unto “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.”

They are “the heirs of Salvation.”

The Royal banquet, and the Wedding Hall are already prepared for “The Marriage Supper of The Lamb.”

You are invited!

So, get ready!

God s Plan and the Overcomers


God’s Plan and the Overcomers


"God's Plan and the Overcomers" expounds Christ in Eternity, in Creation, in Redemption, and in Eternity to Come.

Christ has Preeminence in the life of His 'True Church' - to whom He gave the Grace to enter into His Victorious Life, and  live as God’s Overcomers.

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