
A Living Sacrifice by WATCHMAN NEE


A Living Sacrifice





Burdened with the need of a firm foundation for the Christian life, brother Watchman Nee gave a series of basic lessons on practical Christian living during the training session for workers held in Kuling, Foochow, China in 1948. He expressed the hope that these essential lessons might be faithfully learned by God’s people, thereby laying a good foundation for the building up of the Body of Christ.


Messages on practical Christian living

v Translated from the Chinese language

v Published in a series of six books, bearing the various titles of:

(1) A Living Sacrifice

(2) The Good Confession

(3) Assembling Together

(4) Not I, But Christ

(5) Do All to The Glory of God

(6) Love One Another


Click to Download A Living Sacrifice

Practicing The Presence of GOD


Practicing The Presence of GOD

We must learn to practice ‘how to come into’ The Presence of The LORD daily.


Come into His Presence at a “covenant” “agreed-time” each day.


There are reasons and benefits why it must be at an “agreed-time.” Some of the reasons and benefits are:

1.)  GOD loves agreements—He honors covenants and vows.                        Your commitment to agreement and time with Him proves your seriousness and steadfastness to work and walk with Him. In this condition, He gives you special attention.


2.)   Your daily “covenant-time” with GOD is proof of your trust in Him—it shows that you trust that He will be faithful to keep appointment with you. Your “covenant-time” with Him becomes His Divine Appointment with you.



3.)  Your “covenant-time” with GOD invites His manifest Presence.                 His Holy Presence is all you will ever need.                                                        His Word is Life and Revelation.                                                                                         


The Power in THE NAME OF JESUS and HIS DIVINE PRESENCE are the same.                                                                                                                                 


At the mention of The Name of Jesus “every knee should bow” … “every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is LORD” (Phil. 2:10-11).



In The Presence of The LORD “is fullness of joy” … and “pleasures for evermore” (Psa. 16:11).



At the mention of The Name of Jesus, demons tremble and flee—when you call on The Name of The LORD, there is deliverance, victory, and breakthrough. In fact demons fear you because of His Presence in your life—your personality and environment become fiery and electrifying.



4.)  Your devotion and commitment to The LORD brings you into “The Secret Place”—the place of intimacy and protection.



5.)  House-hold Salvation—this is another great benefit of GOD’s Divine Presence in your home.                                                                                


His Holy Presence draws and invites your loved-ones into His loving arms. He knows and understands your ‘attachments’ to your family: spouse, children, et cetera. The family is a part of His Creation, and He too Loves His own Divine Family.                                                                                   


His Love is unfailing.                                                                                        


JESUS Saves.


We must welcome His Holy Presence in our homes and in our lives—daily.


The world on daily-basis is becoming more of a ‘dangerous place’—as awful and terrible events unfold in the news.


If GOD’s people do not come into His Presence to find Rest in Him, it will be very scary when ‘all hell breaks loose’ in a world filled with fear and confusion.

Run now to GOD, for He is “A Strong Tower” for your safety!

If you don’t, when the times of great distress and troubles come, you will have no protection.


Come to Him now, for He is “The Only Wise GOD” Who gives Life Eternal.

If you don’t, when ‘strong delusion,’ deception, and great confusion sets in, you will have no covering, and will be caught in “a dark web.”


It’s ‘a cray-world’ where politics is connected with the negative-supernatural. Science and technology are being factored into religion.


Only GOD can deliver anybody from what is coming…


Redeem the time!

He is Highly Exalted!


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a Name which is above every name:

That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Phil. 2:9-11 KJV



Therefore God raised Him to the highest place

and gave Him the Name above every name;

that in honor of the Name given Yeshua,

every knee will bow —

in Heaven, on earth and under the earth — 

and every tongue will acknowledge 

that Yeshua the Messiah is Adonai —

to the glory of God the Father.

Phil 2:9-11 CJB

Special Prayer for You!


May The LORD bless you, and may The LORD keep you.

And, may The LORD make His face shine upon you.

And, may The LORD be gracious unto you and give you His Peace.


May you walk in the confidence that you are a child of GOD.


And, that when the trump of GOD shall sound,

you will be prepared to see The KING and all of His Glory.


In JESUS Name. Amen.