
THE SECRET PLACE - The Place of Divine Protection


THE SECRET PLACE - The Place of Divine Protection


Divine Protection is a heritage of those who abide in GOD's Presence.

In Psalm 91 His Divine Protection is "the Shadow of The Almighty."

"The Shadow of The Almighty" is greater than the power of death and the grave —greater than all the forces of hell and the devil himself.


GOD's Divine Protection is safety, shelter, defense, strength, and security.

"The Secret Place" is a Divine-Stronghold.


"The Secret of The LORD" is revealed only in "The Secret Place."


We are safe and secured under "the Shadow of The Almighty" by the reason of His PRESENCE.

[He who dwells in The Presence of The LORD shall abide under His Divine Protection]

He that dwelleth in the secret place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91:1 KJV


He is "A Refuge of Protection" — "A Fortress of Defense."


"The Secret Place" is a Divine-Habitation.