
A Call to Stand with Israel and the Jewish People


Fulfill the Biblical Call to Stand with Israel and the Jewish People...

News out of the Middle East is increasingly worrying by the day. Iran’s regime is emboldened. A new West Bank-based terror organization is conducting heinous attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. And it doesn’t end there. Around the world, antisemitism is on the rise.

As believers dedicated to God’s Divine Word and carrying out His Righteous mandate to bless the Children of Israel, we cannot sit on the sidelines. Taking action is of paramount importance. 

Get equipped to fulfill the Biblical Call to stand with Israel and the Jewish people in their time of need.

Click to Discover How You Can Stand with Israel

It’s Time to Stand Up for Jesus!


It’s Time to Stand Up for Jesus!

Benny Hinn

Many people, even believers, are questioning, “Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?” 

The statistics bearing this out are staggering.


This should be troubling to us. It can bring great harm if people aren’t given the true answer.


It’s time to deal with this, and that’s what I’m sharing from my heart with you on today’s program.


It can mean a difference for eternity for all those around us struggling with this issue.


This new series is one The Lord Jesus has urgently laid on my heart to do, and I’ve sought God’s direction and wisdom in going through my past teachings and personally selecting the right one  for you...


Thousands of Holy Fires...


Thousands of Holy Fires...

Thousands of Holy Fires by Dr Brown

Fires of spiritual outpouring and revival.

Click here

News on China!


News on China!

"Must WATCH!"

"Must READ!"

A Blood Moon on Election Night!


A Blood Moon on Election Night!

Pastor Kunneman says we are on God’s Calendar

What is the significance of the Blood Moon on the Night of the Midterm Elections?

The timing of this year’s lunar eclipse has prophetic significance because of its connection to elections in both Israel and the U.S

This is the time on God’s calendar!

The Good Confession by WATCHMAN NEE


The Good Confession





Burdened with the need of a firm foundation for the Christian life, brother Watchman Nee gave a series of basic lessons on practical Christian living during the training session for workers held in Kuling, Foochow, China in 1948. He expressed the hope that these essential lessons might be faithfully learned by God’s people, thereby laying a good foundation for the building up of the Body of Christ.


Messages on practical Christian living

v Translated from the Chinese language

v Published in a series of six books, bearing the various titles of:

(1) A Living Sacrifice

(2) The Good Confession

(3) Assembling Together

(4) Not I, But Christ

(5) Do All to The Glory of God

(6) Love One Another



Click to Download The Good Confession