
Savior of the World


Mary was the mother of Jesus (see Matt. 1:18).

Joseph was not His father. That's why when an Angel of The LORD appeared to him in a dream, He instructed him in this manner:

"Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him (Matt. 2:13 KJV).


The One Who came through 'the Virgin Birth' became "Savior of the World" — He is "Child of The Holy Spirit".


Mary's firstborn Son was called: JESUS (Yahweh is Salvation).

He is "The Son of The Highest""The Son of GOD".


Heaven and Earth celebrate the Birth of our Savior; for He is Founder and Builder of the Church, and central-figure of the human race.