
Worthy is The Lamb!


   Worthy is The Lamb!


“…Worthy is The Lamb that was slain to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing.”

Revelation 5:12 KJV


He is deserving of:

  Power” — Omnipotence.

  Riches” — beneficence.

  Wisdom” — Omniscience.

  Strength” — Power in prevalent exercise.

  Honour” — the Highest Reputation.

  Glory” — Majesty.

  Blessing”— thankful acknowledgments of the whole creation.


He is worthy — for what He has done; as is ascribed to Him.

He is worthy of ‘all-Praise’ due to such actions.


The Church and innumerable angels ascribe doxology to Him, the hosts of Heavenly angels agree with the Church in acknowledging the infinite merits of The LORD JESUS CHRIST.


He is worthy of His Divine Office as our Apostle and High-Priest.

He is worthy of All-Authority which His Divine Office requires.

He is worthy; for He is sufficient for His Divine Office and Faithful in it.


This doxology by the Church, and by the angels, shall be resounded and echoed by all-creation!


After THE LORD JESUS CHRIST conquered death and rose from the grave, He received:

  Power” — "dunamis” (Greek); which is Ability and Might.

  Riches” — “ploutos” (Greek); material wealth and riches (which will be fulfilled in His Millennial Reign) — these shall compliment the supernatural riches in Christ.

  Wisdom” — “sophia” (Greek); He is GOD’s Divine Wisdom personified.

  Strength” — “ischus” (Greek); Strength in Service to GOD.

  Honour” — “time” (Greek); ‘price of inestimable value’ — "the Preciousness of Christ" unto believers — “esteem” (honor).

  Glory” — “doxa” (Greek); speaks of manifestation of “the Divine Nature and Acts of GOD, i.e., Who He essentially is and what He does, as exhibited in whatever way He reveals Himself to us in these respects.

  Blessing”— “eulogia” (Greek); akin to a "good-speaking praise" ascribed to "GOD THE FATHER" and to "GOD THE SON."

The invocation of blessings — benediction; the giving of thanks to GOD ALMIGHTY.