
Don Moen Worship Songs

 Don Moen Worship Songs Nonstop Playlist with Lyrics (feat. Rachel Robinson)

Adonai is My Shepherd


Adonai is my Shepherd; I lack nothing.

He has me lie down in grassy pastures,

He leads me by quiet water,

He restores my inner person.

He guides me in right paths

for the sake of His own Name.

Even if I pass through death-dark ravines,

I will fear no disaster; for You are with me;

Your rod and staff reassure me.


You prepare a table for me,

even as my enemies watch;

You anoint my head with oil

from an overflowing cup.


Goodness and grace will pursue me

every day of my life;

and I will live in the house of Adonai

for years and years to come.

(Psalm 23 CJB­)

Year of Rest




Rest for the soul only comes from The LORD.


May The LORD redeem your soul in Peace from the battle that is against you.

May He give you Rest from troubles and from the pain that is within your heart.


In His Rest is Victory over fear and terror.

In His Rest you are protected from violence and reproach of the enemy.

In His Rest you are healed of every pain of the past.


LORD, teach me to delight in You.

Teach me to trust You wholeheartedly.

I commit my way into Your hands.


I rest in You and wait patiently.

I delight in the abundance of Peace.


May Your Joy be fulfilled in me as I find my Rest in You.