



by David Kiern

In all of the world, there is but one city where the God of the Bible promised His eyes and His heart will always be . . .Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is described in the Bible as the epicenter of the earth. It was here where God first led Abraham, told him to offer up his son and provided a ram in 

Isaac's place. Years later, King David captured the city from the Jebusites and built what became known as the City of David. This was the beginning of  Jewish Jerusalem. The archeological discoveries which have been made in the City of David testify that that Jerusalem always has, and will forever remain the eternal capital of the Jewish people.

"My eyes and My heart will be there at all times.”


To represent the City of Jerusalem in I Am Israel, we wanted to find a Jewish woman who could guide the audience through its history and connect the past to modern times. After discussing our ideas with City of David representative Ze'ev Orenstein, we had the joy of meeting Daniella Avraham. Daniella is a wife, mother and tour guide who has a passion for connecting the hearts and minds of people to the Land of Israel.

In the film, Daniella takes viewers deep beneath the city, exploring the underground tunnels of ancient Jerusalem. Along the way, she shares her personal story of how God brought her and her family to Israel.

The Bible records many stories of women of faith. After the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea, Moses' sister Miriam stood before the people and sung a song about their redemption. The Song of Miriam recounted the story of God saving the Jewish people from slavery and looked ahead to the future salvation of Israel in the Promised Land.

To me, Daniella is a modern-day Miriam. She has a passion to tell all who visit Israel stories of the great things God has done in the past, and looks to the future with great hope of what He will do in the future. Enjoy exploring the City of David in this clip from I Am Israel!

I think I’m privileged to have grown up in a land where my father and his forefathers only dreamed of seeing rebuilt one day.


See Jerusalem returning to life in our award-winning film, I AM ISRAEL. 

Get your copy today!