
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit: Word Of Wisdom

The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Word Of Wisdom
Supernatural Application Of Knowledge

Word of Wisdom is the supernatural application of knowledge.
The gift of word of wisdom is often needed in application of all the gifts of The Spirit. It’s never in operation by a human will, but is a supernatural impartation by The Spirit.
When satan the tempter tempted Jesus, after His 40 days fast, He overcame him with the Word of Wisdom (read Matt.4:1-11).
When the Pharisees questioned Jesus about paying tribute to Caesar, He answered with the Word of Wisdom (Matt. 22:15-22).
When Paul was summoned before the council of the high priest, the Sadducees and the Pharisees in Jerusalem, He countered their confrontation with word of wisdom (Acts 23:6-10).
This gift of word of wisdom comes from The Spirit Of Wisdom And Revelation (Eph. 1:17).