
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit: Word Of Knowledge

The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

Word Of Knowledge
Specific Information Concerning A Need

A Word of Knowledge comes as specific information concerning a need.  This is a sudden burden felt in the heart.
The Bible tells us that we are created in the image of God; after His likeness. Mankind is similitude to God His Maker. Similitude may be described as impression, inner witness, mental quickening.
A “Word of Knowledge” given by The Spirit to a child of God makes an impression, and creates that mental quickening in the believer. It is presented to us as inner witness—which gives us confidence and assurance about what God is saying at the present moment.
What is given to us by The Holy Spirit is His divine manifestation which is the evidence, the spiritual illumination of The Spirit for good and for profit.
Prayer activates this gift. Also, worship and stillness operates the gift of word of knowledge.
Peter declared the fate of Ananias and Sapphira by the gift of word of knowledge (Acts 5:1-11).
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children (Rom. 8:16 NIV).
That is Word of Knowledge from The Spirit.