
Special Biblical References And Presentation Of JESUS CHRIST

Special Biblical References

Christ of God
And it came to pass, as he was alone praying, his disciples were with him: and he asked them, saying,
Whom say the people that I am?
They answering said, John the Baptist; but some say, Elias; and others say, that one of the old prophets is risen again.
He said unto them, But Whom say ye that I am? Peter answering said, The Christ of God.
And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing;
Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.
Luke 9:18-22 KJV

In Peter’s declaration of Who Jesus is, there is great revelation: Christ of God, means “The Anointed of God”; “The Promised Messiah".
It is matter of unspeakable comfort to us that our Lord Jesus is God's Anointed, for then He has unquestionable Authority and Ability for His undertaking; for His being anointed signifies His being both appointed to it and qualified for it. Now one would have expected that Christ should have charged his disciples, who were so fully apprized and assured of this Truth, to publish it to everyone they met with; but no, He strictly charged them to tell no man that thing yet, because there is a time for all things.
After His resurrection, which completed the proof of it, Peter stated clearly to the people of Israel, that God had made this same Jesus who they crucified, both Lord and Christ [The Anointed One] (see Acts 2:36); but as yet the evidence was not ready to be summed up, and therefore it must be concealed for a while.

The Spirit Of The Lord God is upon Me; because The Lord hath anointed me to preach Good Tidings unto the meek; He hath sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim Liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
To proclaim the acceptable Year of The Lord, and The Day of Vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the Oil of Joy for mourning, the garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of Righteousness, the planting of The Lord, that He might be glorified.
Isa 61:1-3 KJV

In the season while the Son of man was still at the work of The Father here on earth—‘preaching the Good News to the poor’, restoring the lost sheep of Israel, restoring the blind, setting the captives free, and bestowing the favors of The Lord—Jesus strictly charged His disciples that they must not yet preach that he was the Christ, because the wonders that would attend his death and resurrection would be the most convincing proof of his being The Christ of God. It was by his exaltation to the Right Hand of The Father that he was fully declared to be The Christ, and by the sending of The Holy Spirit thereupon (Acts 2:33); and therefore they had to wait till that is done.

Christ of God—The Messiah, had to suffer in the hands of men; be rejected by the Jewish leaders-the elders, chief priests, and teachers of the Law-and be killed; and three days later be raised back to Life!