
Special Biblical References & Presentation Of THE HOLY SPIRIT

Special Biblical References

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Ghost
The Holy Spirit is The Third Person of the Godhead. He is the first Person to be revealed in the Scriptures. He is the last of The Trinity to be known by us.
He is our Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Counselor, Strengthener and Standby. He is another Comforter from The Father to us; ‘a very present Help in trouble; He intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express; He advocates for us, for the forgiveness of our sins – of past, present and future; He counsels us according to the Will of The Father; He strengthens us with mighty Power in the inner man. The Holy Spirit energizes our spirit and supplies us with the necessary requirements of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. And through the Power of The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ will raise us up on the Glorious Morning and give life to our mortal bodies.

The Holy Spirit is our ‘Consolation’.
The Holy Spirit is our ‘Support’.
The Holy Spirit is our ‘Interceder’.
The Holy Spirit is our ‘Legal Representative’
The Holy Spirit is our ‘Legal Adviser’.
The Holy Spirit is our Strength.
The Holy Spirit is our ‘Security’.

Our Heavenly Father is willing to give His Holy Spirit to those who ask Him (see Luke 11:13).

The Holy Spirit was sent by The Father in The Name Of Jesus Christ. He has no Name of His Own, but He answers to The Name Of Jesus Christ. When you call on The Name Of Jesus Christ, The Holy Ghost goes into action. Today, The Holy Ghost has come to earth in The Name Of Jesus Christ.
The Father sent The Holy Spirit in The Name Of The Son—in His place, to represent Him and act on His behalf (see John 14:26). He is The One Who fellowships with us—He communes with us (II Corinthians 13:14). In Him we share and participate in the divine Family and Kingdom of God. We partake in the divine nature of God.

At the river Jordan, The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in bodily form [physical form] like a dove (read Luke 3:22). He descended upon Him in a physical appearance like a dove. Christ Jesus is The One Who baptizes with The Holy Spirit (see John 1:3).

The Holy Spirit is The Greatest Teacher— He teaches us all things and He brings to our remembrance, the Words of Jesus (see John 14:26). He gives us the Power to witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8). Jesus was anointed with The Holy Spirit for ministry (Acts 10:38).

The Holy Spirit will imprint God’s  Law (His Covenant, His Testament ) upon our hearts and He will inscribe God’s Word on our minds [on our inmost thoughts and understanding] (read Hebrews 10:16).