
The Angel Of The Lord

Special Biblical References

The Angel Of The Lord
The Angel Of His Presence
In several chapters of the Scriptures The Holy Spirit is referred to as “The Angel Of The Lord”—or “The Angel Of His Presence.” The Holy Spirit has beautiful Identity.
He is the One who brings us The Presence of GOD and makes Him real to us. He brings you GOD'S Presence, and when He does, you will no longer be in the dark. He is able to do this because He is ‘THE ANGEL OF GOD’S PRESENCE’.
Let's take a look at the Scripture in regard to this:
"In their entire affliction He was afflicted, and The Angel Of His Presence saved them: in His Love and in His Pity He redeemed them; and He bare them, and carried them all the days of old. But they rebelled, and vexed His HOLY SPIRIT..."
Isaiah 63:9,10a
The Holy Spirit mentioned in verse 10 is called in verse 9 'The Angel Of His Presence.'
In the Old Testament, He represented The Father and the Bible calls Him 'The Angel Of His Presence.'
The Holy Ghost is 'The Messenger’ or ‘The Conveyor’ of GOD'S Presence. He carries the Presence of GOD around the world, and He brings this divine Presence of GOD to us now! That is the reason we can know JESUS is REAL; that's the reason we can believe in the Word of GOD.

When we pray to GOD, it's THE HOLY SPIRIT who makes the divine PRESENCE OF GOD Real to our human spirits, and then we feel closer to The Living GOD.
GOD is omnipresent, but His manifest Presence is not everywhere. THE HOLY SPIRIT is the One who manifests GOD'S PRESENCE.
GOD'S PRESENCE in the life of the Christian is very important. David understood the importance of GOD'S Presence in his life. This is why he cried out to God not to take His Spirit away from him, after he had sinned with Bathsheba. He said in Psalm 51:11b
"Do not cast me away from Your Presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me".

Also, Moses recognized the importance of the divine Presence Of GOD. He never wanted to move without an assurance of GOD'S PRESENCE.
"And he [Moses] said unto Him [GOD], if Thy Presence go not with me, carry us not up hence" Exodus 33:15 (KJV).

This is what our lives ought to be like. We must always have an assurance of GOD'S Presence with us in everyday of our lives and in everything we do, because in Him we live, and move, and have our being (see Acts 17:28a).