
The Spirit Of God

Special Biblical References

The Spirit Of God
You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by The Spirit, if The Spirit Of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have The Spirit Of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.
Romans 8:9 NIV

The Holy Spirit is The Spirit Of God—He is The Spirit Of Christ. And He lives in every child of God. Whosoever that is born of God receives ‘the new nature’ so that he can live the life of The Spirit. Everyone born of God do not identify with their old nature but with The Spirit.
If The Spirit Of God really dwells within you, He directs and controls you. But if anyone does not have The Spirit Of Christ, he is none of His—he does not belong to Christ, because he is not truly a child of God.
The Holy Spirit is evident in the life of everyone born of God. And how is this evidence seen?
For as many as are led by The Spirit Of God,
they are the sons of God.
Rom 8:14 KJV

Some of the prophets of Israel had characterized the “last days” as a time when GOD would pour out His Spirit on "all flesh"—the whole of assembly of true believers in the world.
The New Testament expresses that that promise was fulfilled in the days of Jesus, and the entire Scriptures proof that even toady—the “last days” The Holy Spirit Of God, has been given unto us.

He is our Comforter (Jn.14:16-17), Counsellor (Jn.14:16 Amp; Psa 16:7), Helper (Psa.10:14; 46:1), Advocate (I Jn.2:1), Intercessor (Rom.8:26), Strengthener (Eph.3:16), and Standby (Rom.8:11).