
How I Escaped Hell by Linda Ngaujah

How I Escaped Hell
Linda Ngaujah

I saw a great light, a great power like magnet moving me from the fire, I was coming up, but I thought I was going to another place for more torture, I didn’t think it was deliverance, I didn’t know they were coming to deliver me, I didn’t think God heard my cry, I thought it was finally over.
Then I noticed I landed on a ground. I saw a great light, and a man stood in front of me, He didn’t say a word but looked at me and then turned, I was following him.
When I was in Heaven I asked Jesus who the man was and I later got to know that he was father Moses because Jesus told me He sent Moses to save me. Father Moses did not say any word to me, he just looked at me and then turned and I followed him.
When I appeared at the gate of Heaven, I saw angels coming in front of me and I noticed father Moses was no longer there.
And the angels started to transform my body, they gave me a glorious body because I was unclean to be in front of Jesus and so they changed my body, they changed everything about me. They gave me a glorious body. And I entered into Heaven.
When the gate of Heaven opened, I saw a great light, a wonderful light, a big light that is all over the Heaven, the light was coming from that place but was shining all over Heaven.
While I was still wondering what sort of light it was (I couldn’t see clearly, such that even when I tried covering my eyes with my palms, the light still pierced through my palms into my eyes), then I heard a voice like the sound of thunder, like ten thousand thunders put together.
Then I heard the Lord Jesus said, “Welcome my daughter Linda”.
I was wondering what kind of human being would have that kind of voice, but the light was still tormenting me, then the light started getting clearer and I began to see better. The light then transformed into a wonderful man, a glorious man.
I can’t describe Jesus, Jesus is a wonderful man, no wonder, Jesus is truly the Son of God.
He said, “Welcome my daughter”
Jesus is lovely, Jesus loves us. And He introduced Himself, He said, “I am Jesus, I am the One that died for you, Linda”
He held my hand and raised me up, and I felt peace. I forgot about the pain in hell, I was so happy.
When I was on earth I liked fine men, Jesus is very handsome man, I was amazed, Jesus is made hundred percent perfect.
Then Jesus took me around Heaven, Heaven is so big; that’s why everyone you heard went to Heaven came back with different description of Heaven; Heaven is too big and wide, beautiful, everything in Heaven is made of gold and diamond.
There are beautiful angels in Heaven, working for us. We are wonderful people.
Jesus took me to one part of Heaven and showed me the houses of the believers that are in hell now. The houses are locked.
Jesus is not a liar; He said He’s going to prepare a place for us. He did it; if you go to Heaven, you will see houses, beautiful places, Jesus loves us, He said, “these are the houses of believers who are now in hell for small temptation, something that took them away from My Glory, when they didn’t know that, that morning, that day, they would die. They backslide and died in sin. They are now in hell and their houses closed in Heaven. They suffered on earth to build their houses in Heaven, but did not enter there. That is really painful! When you start this work for God, please don’t stop the race, love Jesus, don’t stop. You don’t know the time you will die, don’t stop, and don’t look back.”

Anyone suffering for Jesus here on earth will be happy and thank God.
Since I met Jesus, whenever temptation is coming my way or I am about to sin, I thank God because during that hard time, I am trying to overcome the devil, the angels are adding to my marks; they are building my house rapidly and beautifully. So when you stop serving God, obeying His words, you are decreasing your scores in Heaven.

Stand firm for Jesus, stand firm on the Truth, let them laugh at you. In Sierra Leone, they said all of us that dress holy are old witches. That’s what the bishop said. He said we are old witches that smell, that we don’t put on perfumes, that we don’t make-up, we tie head ties, that we are dirty old witches. Yes I’m a witch for Jesus!
Then Jesus took me to another part of Heaven and showed me houses, He said, “these are for My sons and daughters on earth.”
These houses are so beautiful, but there is one particular house that is like sky scrapper building, very high and beautiful. I asked Jesus who the owners of the house are, and He said “it’s for people on earth who win souls for Me; that provide their own finance for the gospel without asking for support from anyone. They look for money by themselves for the gospel. Some of them walk from one town to the other to preach the gospel. They pray, they ask for grace to do more for God rather than asking God for financial breakthrough.”
The houses God prepared for these faithful servants of His is so great that without asking for a pay back here on earth.
Heaven is a place I don’t want anyone to miss. Heaven is beautiful, Heaven is so sweet, the air in Heaven I can’t describe it properly, it is hot and cold.
I didn’t want to come back here on earth. When Jesus said He will send me with message to Sierra Leone I frowned because I didn’t want to come back to earth.
Then Jesus looked at me and said: “selfishness.” He said I did not deserve Heaven that He took me from hell to send to my people in Sierra Leone. He said if I go to the world and then decide to sin again, He would throw me back to hell.
Then I pleaded for mercy.
Then Jesus and me walked around and I saw angles all over, busy, going different directions. Then I asked Jesus why the angels were going up and down as Heaven seems so busy, and He told me they were preparing for His coming. He said the clothes ‘the faithfuls’ are going to wear have already been sown and are in storage in Heaven now. Just like expecting a visitor in your home and you are preparing for the visitor, they are seriously preparing for us in Heaven.
Please leave that sin now. The way testimonies are coming now, the way Jesus is moving now, worldwide, every day you see and read it on the internet.
I saw Jesus; they were wearing sandals on His feet that have to tell you that Jesus is dressed.
I saw angel Michael, he leads the Heavenly army for Jesus, he doesn’t smile, doesn’t move, he stands in one place, not moving but dressed fearfully with ammunitions. He is a fearful angel; God took time to build that angel. That is why God will release him to fight for His people, only him will fight thousands of demons. Angel Michael is fearfully and wonderfully made. Jesus said to me, “My angel, angel Michael is dressed, waiting for My Father to say go.”
Jesus told me that the angel that is going to increase the heat, the fire in hell, before His coming has already been released. So the angel that will add the fire, the heat and power of hell has already been released. Don’t enter hell please!
And Jesus said, “Come let me show you the message and the people you will take the message to in the world.”

While we were going I saw a woman playing with kids, and I asked Jesus who the woman was, Jesus told me that the woman is Mary. That’s why He gave me the message to Catholics, who are busy praying to Mary. Mary is just an ordinary person in Heaven, taking care of kids, she doesn’t know what is happening on earth, catholic people should stop wasting their time, and they should call on JESUS.