
VISION: The Antichrist Presents His Gift to Churches

VISION: The Antichrist Presents His Gift to Churches
The Antichrist Presents His Diabolical Gift to the House of GOD [churches]. BEWARE Saints of GOD!

In a ‘morning’ revelation, The LORD revealed a world renowned politician on Live Television program presenting a gift specially wrapped, to a pastor or minister of a church from Ghana.
[Note: names of such persons not to be revealed!]

It seemed that this minister represented churches in Africa in accepting the gift from this personality.

Then, I heard a voice like a ‘female voice’ [angelic], which said to me: “the code for the transaction of this gift is 666.”

Why would “the gift of the antichrist” be given to churches at this time (as I inquired of The LORD)?
Because, “the beast out of the earth” in Revelation 13:12 exercises all the authority of “the first beast”—causing the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast [the antichrist].
This is yet another exposure of the works of satan!

Be wise, and separate yourself from “Mystery Babylon.”