
Jehovah Elyon The Lord Most High

His glorious NAMES, designated Titles and divine Office.

The English word: God is translated from the Hebrew word, Elohim—which is a noun implying more than One in unity.
One God composed of more than One divine Person.

The Name Of The Lord is a strong tower:
the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.
Proverbs 18:10 KJV

Jehovah Elyon
The Lord Most High
And Melchizedek King of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and He was the priest of the Most High God.
And He blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, Possessor of Heaven and earth:
 And blessed be the Most High God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave Him tithes of all.
Genesis 14:18-20 KJV

“The Priest of The Most High” is The Eternal King; “The King of Peace” who came into the world in the ancient times prior to His human birth. He is “The King of Righteousness” who has been before Abraham, “the father of faith.”
He blessed “The Possessor of Heaven”—The Eternal Father, and received the tithe from Abraham.

The Complete Jewish Bible records it this way:
Malki-Tzedek King of Shalem brought out bread and wine. He was cohen of El ‘Elyon [God Most High], so He blessed him with these words:
“Blessed be Avram by El ‘Elyon,
maker of Heaven of earth.
and blessed be El ‘Elyon,
who handed your enemies over to you.”
Avram gave Him a tenth of everything.

In this passage, we see that “The Eternal Priest” is “The King Eternal” and “Sovereign GOD”; therefore, “THE LORD MOST HIGH” blessed “THE MOST HIGH GOD.”