
Son Of The Living God

Special Biblical References

Son Of The Living God
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art The Christ, The Son of The Living God.
Matthew 16:16 KJV

The Holy Spirit helped Peter to recognize “THE CHRIST”— “The Mashiach” [Heb.] (The Anointed One). He also recognized Him as “The Son Of The Living God.”
No human being can reveal “the mystery of GOD.” GOD alone has the Glory of revealing “the mystery of GOD”; "For flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee…” (v.17).
Peter knew this “mystery” neither by the invention of his own wit nor reason, nor by the instruction and information of others; this light sprang neither from nature nor from education, but from The Father who is in Heaven.
Peter's answer is short, but it is full, and true, and to the purpose; “Thou art the Christ, The Son of The Living God.”

In time past, Jesus told His disciples that He is “The Son of Man”; which speaks of His timely human birth, service to The Father, and eternal priestly sacrifice as The Holy Lamb of GOD. But, they did not know that Jesus, the Master whom they called “Rabbi” is “THE CHRIST” (The Anointed One) - a Name for Jesus which showed that He was the long-awaited King and Deliverer. For centuries the Jewish people had looked for a prophesied Messiah, a deliverer who would usher in a Kingdom of peace and prosperity (Ps 110; Isa 32:1-8; Amos 9:13). Jesus was clearly identified as this Messiah in Peter's great confession.

The disciples also did not fully acknowledge Him as “The Son Of GOD” even though when they saw Him walk on the water in Matthew chapter 14, and those who were in the boat worshipped Him saying, “of a truth thou art The Son of God.”

The people called Him a Prophet—their notion of Him was, that He was the ghost of a dead man, Elijah [Elias], or Jeremiah [Jeremias] (Matt 16:14).  But, Peter knew by The Spirit who is ‘The Eternal Father’ and declared Jesus to be The Son of The Living God, who has Life in Himself, for The Eternal Father has given to His Son Life Eternal, and to be the Life of the people of GOD.
Because He is The Son Of The Living GOD, He is of the same nature with GOD THE FATHER.

Though His divine nature was veiled with the cloud of flesh, yet Simon Peter through the eyes of The Spirit looked through, and saw His Glory, the Glory as of The Only-Begotten of The Father, full of Grace and Truth.
Now can you with an assurance of faith subscribe to this confession?

Let us then, with a fervency of affection and adoration, go to CHRIST, and tell Him so: Lord Jesus, Thou art The Christ, The Son Of The Living God.